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I.S.S. Alumni Page

Welcome to a web page devoted to Alumni from the Institute of Social Studies in Den Hague, Holland.

The idea for such a webpage arose from the fact that, having graduated from the ISS many years ago, I had trouble keeping in touch with former classmates; people move, get married, get lost, whatever. So, if you are an ISS graduate, or have been/are involved with the ISS, please do not hesitate to email me with your address, as well as latest information and I will put it on the webpage as soon as possible!

I will post any photos you send.

PPA93 picture
Please pass along the webpage address to other ISS graduates that you know; I would like to make the webpage as comprehensive as possible! Thanks!


Currently there are 26 listings here, pass the word!

Well it has been quite while since I updated. I have moved back to my old Depertment. MORE TOCOME SOON!!!.

Here is my contact info:


Paul Gaskin

Chief, Policy Renewal / Chef, Renouvellement des politiques

AFPR and National Policy Framework / Cadre politique national et la RPPA

Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada

8W128, rue 200 Kent Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada

1 (613) 993-7006; Fax: 1 (613) 990-4111, gaskinp@dfo-mpo.gc.ca


P> Some (old perhaps) news:


As for the rest of you, let me know what you're up to!

By the way you can also get to this website through http://www.geocities.com/gaskinp/


http://bigfoot.com/~paulgaskin which is a little easier to remember than the real URL.

That’s all for now. Please keep the news coming!


My Information: Paul Gaskin Public Policy and Administration 1993-94 [Canada] Currently living in Ottawa, working for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Mailing Address: 1001 Sharp Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1K 4L9, Canada, TEL:1(613) 741-6316

Javier (RDP 93-94) and Marcella (Bolivia) are in bolivia (any update?) (NEW EMAIL).

Humberto Rojas Pinilla ARD 93-94 [Colombia] .

ID (Indrajith Dias Kuruppu) [Sri Lanka] and Hilke Ebert [Germany] RDP 93-94 are working in Colombo at Synergetics Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. (?)

Ahmed Farouk Hamed Ghoneim ECD 93-94 [Egypt] is finished his PhD! (in Germany) and is back in Egypt. (?)

Nikhil Padgaonkar PADS 93-94[India] (?) . (Note: new email address).

Ricardo Rosero Erazo ECD 93-94 [Colombia] NEW EMAIL)

Sebastian Winkler PADS93-94 [Germany/Mexico] is working for the IUCN. (NEW EMAIL)

John Gatt ECD 93-94[Malta] Any news???.

NGO Men ECD 1993-94 [Vietnam] (?) .

Milagros de la Lama ECD 93-94[Peru] (?) .

Jane Pocock PADS 93/94 [UK] (?) BR>

Jose Haanappel (programme administrator of LRD/PADS) (?) .

Annmarie Voorvelt (ECD Secretary) is still with the ISS.

Mikey Ginguld ARD 1993-43 [Israel] (?) BR>

Eisa Abdalla Galil ECD 93-94[Sudan] (?) Ms. Reem Fakhreddine W&D 1994/95 [Sudan] (?)

Howard White (?)

Cai Kui ECD 93-94[China] (?) NEW EMAIL)

May Cabilas Olalia ECD 93-94[Philippines] (?) (NEW EMAIL)

Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue PADS 93-94[Brasil] (?) .

Rocio Ortega RDP [Mexico] (?)

Rizwan Khair PPA 93-94[Bangladesh] is doing his PhD in Australia at the University of New England.

Bruno Ruiz-Nicoli ECD 93-94[Spain] (?) .

Alejandra Gutierrez ARD 93-94[Argentina] (?) !

Mary (Nakiwunga) Kaddu PPA 93-94[UGANDA] (?) .

Rafael Paris ECD 94-95[Costa Rica] is (?) .


The I.S.S official site: Institute of Social Studies -

The Ministry I work for!
The Page: for all your GIF needs!

UPDATED: January 29, 2004

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