Welcome to "Page Of The Void" as I call it. Pretty mystical name, eh?? Well, don't think too deeply of it for this site is filled with miscellaneous stuff ~ a rather pointless page (by a pointless author or as my friend would ask - "What's the point?" JJ) as it serves or more precisely, provides nothing specific i.e. nothing germane to a particular topic or subject, hence it is rather empty ~ "Void" ~ thus the name derived (attn: Math braniacs, I did'nt *derive* the name using dy/dx !). Very well, for now, please surf on...Oh yeah, one more thing, this site is still under construction and will be updated at (mega-)irregular intervals so viewers don't hold thine breath JJJ 


  About me

   Martial maxims


   Philosophical droplets

   Elizabethan English, Modern English - The Blend!

   Facts - face'em!

     Why did the chicken cross the road?

   Link to "The Deserter's Page" by Amrit Melwani