At the development and the changes of the resident website. From its beginning to the recent most version in chronological order.
The very first opening of this website (Version 1) was at a small campground. Most of what little data and record existed of this time have been since lost but this version served little other purpose than to mark the first opening of this website's doors. One file, the welcoming header image, was recovered and kept; and other pages in this version had like kind images. Images were created in Corel Photopaint. This particular file is dated "Last modified: June 1, 1998" which gives an idea of the time whence this page was first uploaded.
There may or may not have been a second version of which no data or record was saved aside from vague memories. It is unclear if it was ever uploaded to cyberspace. The new premise was that of a farm in the open countryside with much empty ground and a large blue farmhouse of two or three levels to explore.
Most likely it was never opened to the public and left to rest in harddrive space until deleted or reformatted.
September 17th, 1998 came the discovery of "The Isles Beyond Reality," Alandor and Shillora, and lengthy introduction scene from a haphazard Office under the charge of Jez; "Curious Things," home of Sarana; and a Pegasus flight to Alandor by Windsrider who also provides passage to Shillora (the darker of the two isles). There weren't many places to go, but many small tangents were present not easily accessible unless one explored. Navigation could have been greatly improved.
On July 1st, 1999, winter came and snow covered the site. Lost travellers stumbled upon the unlocked and open gates of the Forgotten Refuge with the assistance of a lone woman who leaves you at the gate before any thanks but after a suggestion to forget the
"Earthly things" that burden you in soul and in mind, and enjoy.
The manor is noticably smaller than the Isles in terms of exploration, but still there are small tangents that hint at perhaps underlying stories and explanations ungiven.
2002, The "Dark Corners" (full heading "Dark Corners at Dusk"), home to the weary and home to the lost, didn't last long -- if it was ever uploaded to cyberspace at all.
"We are everything and everyone. We cannot feel, cannot touch. We are nothing. We stare into reflecting glass; we see nothing. We are blind. We slumber in a sleeping world.
But set the sun. Come the night. Keep the lights out or low. Darkness comes. Darkness falls.
We awake."
(Excerpt given in Corners)
In corners, you are greeted by a woman named Dusk who tells:
"Stay and wander for as long as you wish. Light is permitted. However if you bring your own, please keep it at a dim or controlled stream. To some, it blinds; to some it hurts.
Also, there are no rules of conduct here, but beware the tenants. Some do not take kindly to teasing or things of the sort. If you are not careful, you may be missing an arm, or maybe something else.
If you look, you shall find candles here. Some are lit, many are not. *She places an unused candle in your hand* For each lighted candle, a tale is told. For every dark candle is a story yet written."
Aside from backgrounds, Corners never had any graphics and relied on hex codes and text. It was small but, relatively speaking, it is perhaps the most content based version of all versions.
It did slightly better than a previous premise, ROAD (which I don't believe ever made it past drafting) -- where in a fitful sleep a nightmare of chainmailed men, under the watch of a dark eyed cloaked figure in a distance, took you away and knocked you out; leaving you to wake in "Alyssora. Place of dreams one might say, high fantasy and great lords and ladies once presided here... ...what's left of it at least."
The quote and explanation of where you wind up is given by "Elonka Chimera" who is "not your guide. I am just someone managing the paperwork whose office is in the dungeons of Alyssora. Now if you don't mind, I do have work to do, I hope you enjoy your stay."
Both were to house snippets of stories -- for ROAD by way of "inmates" in the dungeon, the least damaged of Alyssora's ruins, and in the Corners by candlelight.
Fading Memories is the most recent of versions, not including this recap. The first memory was given to cyberspace on August 23rd under a barren tree which was replanted two clicks away from the index page two days later in favor of a Virgo sea child for the duration of August 25th to October 30th.
"When the storms blow in,
I feel a call.
When the oceans dance, so must I.
The dance is always the same.
Only the movements change.
Peaceful and calm at first then swift and quick...
...The winds are calling me now.
The waters beginning to dance.
My heart must dance with them though I still do not know why."
1st of the storm dancers
(Excerpt from Sea Foam)
On the eve of All Hallows Day, the memory changed and abandoned the blues for grays stained with red under a crimson full moon. Scorpios was given a movie posteresque face with a quote from Macbeth (Act 2.3 Line 142)
"Do you hate me so much? ... how can you be so cruel?"
"Life is cruel. Face the facts. Taste bitter reality... and accept it."
--(Excerpt from 'Untitled')
The original blue and white scheme was given back to the memory on December 18th, 2002 by a silent archer (no excerpt accompanied this update) who guarded the site until October 23th, 2003 when the memory turned gray again and no moon shone -- only a void, a whisper of Macbeth Act 1.7 Line 82, and an uncaring voice of a half faced woman who lurks in the darkness.
What lurks in the darkness of the night? In the recesses of one's mind when nothing is there to distract it? What demons do we hide? Where do they play when we lose control? You thread at your own risk.
This website has been repeatedly abandoned, "ruined," and shot at least once. The guestbook has changed from a book, to a rune lake, to letters slipped under a door, a candle, and a memory or a dream.
Where it shall go next, is unclear. But it is not far out of probability that it shall be revamped in its entirety, again; should it be updated again at all.
Thank you to all my visitors for coming by, I hope you've enjoyed your visits.
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