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The Spirit of Pentecost still moves today.  The Holy Ghost that performed the miracle of filling people with His Spirit is also doing mighty healing miracles in the Church.  A little girl in our church who had a cleft pallet and deafness has been healed.  Her mom is giving Jesus the credit for the healing.  The Pastor and the saints of God prayed and God answered the prayer by healing her. God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.


    We recently had a lady attend our church from the Christian Shelter here in town.  She had been in alcohol rehab over 50 times in her life.  Each time she got out she went right back to drinking.  She came to church this year at Abundant Life Apostolic Church.  God touched her and moved upon her in a mighty way.  She continued in church for a while but had to move to another town close by.  Our pastor talked to her just the other day.  It has been over three months since she has drank.  She said that God has taken her taste for alcohol away.  Fifty plus man made rehabs couldn't do what one encounter with Jesus did for this lady.  "Greater is He that is in the Church than he that is in the world."

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