Bekif's Poetry Page

Reluctant Screbations of a poet at large

You have found Bekif's poetry page. ( pronounced BEE kif )
At this site you will find a selection of my poetry and a few links to other poetic related things.
I guess this site will always be under construction. I had not intended for it to be that way, but it is none the less.
I have added Page 3 of my poetry on August 11,2000.
These are poems that have not been exposed to the public before,except for an occasional reading of one or two...

The latest news in my world is....
I am back in school again. It looks like I have but two semesters left....! My course load is 13 hours, so that means I will have little time to devote to keeping my webpage updated as often as I would like.
My goal is to have page 4 of poetry up by the end of March.

If you make your way into Hot Springs on the first Saturday of the month, be sure to attend the Spa City Poetry Slam. It is held at The Poet's Loft 514B Central ave in downtown Hot Springs. It begins at 9:00PM and admission is $1 to watch or $5 to slam. They have a first prize of $100.00 not too shabby....
New at the Loft, as of Jan 17, 2001 they will no longer allow smoking inside the building. From that date, smoking will be restricted to the back balcony. They have added a speaker there so smokers will not miss what is being said on stage.

oh yeah, my other news......

If you've read this part already, just skip to the poetry.

The visit to Moscow was a success! Once again, Yevtushenko gave an outstanding performance. I feel that my performance was probably the best of my life. Had I known that the event was to be shown on four TV stations throughout all of Russia, I would have mentioned it and, I would have been a lot more nervious than I was. As he and I arrived inside the Polytechnical museum, we were suddenly surrounded by reporters.
I knew Yevtushenko was Very well known in his homeland, but I was not fully aware that he is considered a cultural icon. Were it not for the bodyguards, we would not have made it to the backstage area.
{ Bodyguards? Since when do poets need bodyguards? and groupies, how many poets have groupies? If at his age ( 68 ) I have just 10% of that number of beautiful women throwing themselves at my feet, I will be one of the happiest men on the planet. But now I digress... }
The recital lasted somewhere in the area of three hours, but to be honest, I was not looking at my watch... After the recital, we attended a banquet thrown in his honor where we ate drank and toasted for a couple more hours. This was followed by a private dinner at his dacha just outside Moscow. All in all, I would have to describe it as one of the best nights of my life.
I would like to post one ( OK, several but I am trying to pick just one ) of Yevtushenko's poems on my guest poet site, but I keep forgetting to ask him about it.


Also in Hot Springs ....
Every Wednesday night, at 8:00 PM, we have an open mic poetry reading ( also at The Poet's Loft ). Admission is $1.00 and all are welcome to participate and/or observe.
Hope to see you there.
Until my next visit

I've added another link to poetic sites below. One worth looking into, especially if you are planning a trip to Arkansas.

     If you would like to have one of your poems listed as a guest poem,
email me at the address found at the bottom of the page.

Finally, a list of contents or something.......

The first link below will take you to my guest poets page. It contains works by
some very talented writers and I strongly suggest
you take a look.
My guest poets right now are :
Dan Ivey
Elaine Hume
Lisa Martinovic'
Casey Haugner

My Guest Poets Page

Contents below for My Poetry { Page 1 } 

 Here is the link to PAGE 1 to find the poems listed below 

I Was Once
This Morning
The Street
I Steal Pencils
Why I Like Hotels

When I Was An Angry Young Poet

Stray Words


If you are interested in the poem I plan to read in Moscow, the
link below will take you there.

The Russia Page

My poetry { Page 2 } Contents Below
Marijuana Poetry
Standing Wolf
Arabian Fires
Knee Deep In Idiots
Pulling On Loose Threads
Haiku Samples

My poetry { Page 3 } Contents Below

Just Another Day In The Apartment
Love Is Green
Venetian Street
The Virtues of Sin

Links to other sites on the Web

Ozark Poets & Writers Collective : A link to what's happening in Arkansas, definitly worth checking out
A tribute to Allen Ginsberg We will miss him.
A little self promotion...about my upcoming trip to Russia next July
Picasso's Children - A site I wandered into one day
Michael Robert's poetry page - another site I wandered into one day
Scarlet's Poetry Den This is a terrific website Full of Powerful Poetry If they brought me food...... I could live here

This site was last updated on January 11, 2001.............I think

Please email me with comments or suggestions for other poetic
links. Or if you feel the urge to say hello to a total stranger,
or for whatever reason moves you.

Sign Guestbook

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Nearly this many people have visited this site

I am sure you will obey the copyright laws etc.
If you wish to reproduce any of the poems shown here, just email me. The main reason I ask you to do this is because not all of my guest poets have agreed to let their poems be reproduced by everyone. I hope you will obey their wishes.

© 2000