The Charter of the Royal Crescent Navy
of the Kingdom of Caid

This document creates and charters the Royal Crescent Navy of Caid, under the command and protection of the Crown, according to the duties, ranks and structure laid down hereafter in the following articles.

Article I. The Crown

Supreme command of the Royal Crescent Navy is vested in the Crown of Caid. All officers and those holding letters of commissions, warrant, enlistment, reprisal or marque therefrom serve at the pleasure of the Crown. The Crown shall have the power to appoint to any rank or relieve or reduce any person of any rank, save only that any rank of Captain or above be relieved after consultation with the Lord High Admiral and those Admirals in attendance.

Article II Duties and responsibilities

The following duties are laid upon the Royal Crescent Navy: To encourage and teach the period nautical arts and sciences in the Kingdom of Caid, and to make available such resources as are possible to further this goal; and to assist its members in the furtherance of their education in the nautical arts and sciences

To support to the best of its ability the Crown of Caid in times of war and peace; to make war upon all lawful enemies of the realm; and to defend the oceans, seas and waters of the Kingdom of Caid, and the lands thereby; and to enforce the kings law in all such areas

To preserve the safety of Caidan mariners upon the sea ; to rescue and succor those in distress upon the sea whatever their nationality, provided that they be not at war with the Kingdom of Caid;

To assist and insure the swift and accurate collection of those harbor taxes, imposts, and tariffs; all shipping duties, levies, and tithes; where necessary collect maritime insurance; and other nautical monies and penalties as required by the Crown of Caid.

To explore new lands and seas for the glory of Caid.

Article III Appointment to rank and previous rank

All ranks created by the Crown and the existing Admirals and Captains of Caid shall be deemed valid save only that they were appointed with due ceremony, regalia and letters of commission or enlistment. All ranks appointed hereafter shall be deemed valid only if such appointment is made with proper ceremony, regalia, and letters of commission or enlistment.

Seniority for purposes of precedence only is determined by time and date of commission; For purposes of command all equivalent ranks are assumed equal, save that no Captain may overrule another on said Captain's ship.

Article IV Ranks of the Crescent Navy

The following ranks are created

Lord High Admiral

The Lord high Admiral shall be appointed by the Crown at Twelfth-night coronation, and shall be a member of the Crescent Navy at the rank of Captain or above, who shall have shown himself to have a goodly knowledge of the period Nautical Arts and Sciences, and have made and have the potential to continue making great contributions to the furtherance of nautical arts and sciences in the Kingdom of Caid, and be worthy of the awesome responsibility of command of the Royal Crescent Navy of Caid.

The Lord High Admiral shall serve for two years, and shall be deemed reappointed unless he shall resign or the crown appoint another to the position. Such appointment must be made following consultation with the departing Lord High Admiral, and those Admirals in attendance.

The Lord high Admiral shall have full command of the Crescent Navy below only the Crown of Caid, and shall be charged to ensure that all lesser ranks uphold the duties and privileges appropriate to their rank in the Crescent Navy. The Lord High Admiral may appoint lesser ranks, provided that there is a fleet or ship in which they may serve at the discretion of the Admiral or Captain in question .


The rank of Admiral shall be given to those who have given great service to the Royal Crescent Navy or to the Nautical Arts and Sciences in the Kingdom of Caid, and shall be deemed worthy of the awesome responsibility of commanding a fleet of Caid. All Admirals shall be given a specific fleet to form or command, and shall have full command of all lesser ranks within that fleet.

An Admiral may appoint persons to the rank of Captain. An Admiral may also appoint lesser ranks, provided that there is a ship in which they may serve, and at the discretion of said Captain. All such lesser ranks shall serve at the pleasure the Captain in question. The duties of an Admiral are stated in the papers of commission, but shall also include encouragement and support of the nautical arts and sciences; and that once per year, he shall meet with his Captains and officers in whatever manner he deems appropriate to support and help their efforts in the Nautical Arts and Sciences, and to generally continue and support the traditions of the fleet and Royal Crescent Navy. An Admiral who is elevated to Lord High Admiral, or to the Crown of Caid may retain the rank and command of Admiral.

The Crown alone may appoint an Admiral, save that consultation be made with the Lord High Admiral and those Admirals in attendance upon the crown.

Vice Admiral

The rank of Vice Admiral shall be given to such persons who have given service to the Royal Crescent Navy or to the Nautical Arts and Sciences in the Kingdom of Caid, and shall be deemed worthy of the awesome responsibility of commanding a fleet of Caid, serving only under its Admiral, and shall have full command of all lesser ranks within that fleet. Should the Admiral of said fleet be unable to serve, the Vice Admiral, with the Crown's consent, shall take the position of full Admiral in the respective fleet. A Vice-Admiral may appoint persons to the rank of Captain with consent of the commanding Admiral. A Vice-Admiral may also appoint lesser ranks with consent of the commanding Admiral, provided that there is a ship in which they may serve, and at the discretion of said Captain. All such lesser ranks shall serve at the pleasure the Captain in question.

The rank of Vice Admiral may be appointed by an Admiral, and there shall be no more than one per fleet.


The rank of Captain shall be given to those who have given service to the Royal Crescent Navy or to the Nautical Arts and Sciences in the Kingdom of Caid, or have useful knowledge or resources that they are willing to share with the Crescent Navy in the furtherance of it's mission, and shall be deemed worthy of the awesome responsibility of commanding a ship of Caid. Each Captain shall organize a ship and crew, and recruit members deemed appropriate by that Captain. All such ranks serve at the pleasure of the crown and said Captain.

Lesser ranks

All such lesser ranks as deemed appropriate shall be appointed by Captains unto their respective ship. Such appointments shall be to period ranks and shall be given to those with great interest in period Nautical Arts and Sciences, or potential for furthering the mission of the Royal Crescent Navy. Period appointments, may include such offices as (in approximate order of seniority): Lieutenant, Rector, Boatswain, Quartermaster, Gunner, Boatswain's mate Gunner's mate, able seaman, landsman. Appropriate regalia is to be determined by the Captain or Admiral making such appointments.


Letters of marque and reprisal shall be given to those individuals showing interest in the Crescent Navy, but for whatever necessary and good reasons are unwilling to directly join the Royal Crescent Navy. Such letters may be issued by Admirals, the Lord High Admiral, and the Crown, and shall be for a limited term and at the pleasure of the crown or officers making the appointment. The rank of Privateer is by courtesy equivalent to Captain in the Royal Crescent Navy, but has no command authority or responsibility over any member of the Royal Crescent Navy, save those serving on his or her ship.

Article V Royal Crescent Marines

Also is formed the Royal Crescent Marines. Officers at the rank of Captain and above may form and organize bodies of men-at arms and missile fighters to support and defend the Kingdom of Caid and the royal Crescent Navy in its maritime and martial endeavors. Such units constitute the Royal Crescent Marines Within such units, heavy fighters are known as the Afterguard; light fighters as Topmen. The ranks of the Royal Crescent Marines, in order of precedence shall be as follows.

Captain of the Afterguard

This office may be appointed by Vice Admirals or above to command a unit of Crescent Marines upon the field of battle. This rank is equivalent to Captain in the Crescent Navy.

Lieutenant of the Afterguard.

This office may be appointed by Captains or above. This rank is equivalent to Lieutenant in the Crescent Navy. Where said officer is to command light fighters, the rank shall be Lieutenant of the Topmen.

Sergeant of the Afterguard

This office may be appointed by Captains or above. This rank is equivalent to Boatswain in the Crescent Navy. Where said sergeant is to command light fighters, the rank shall be Sergeant of the Topmen.

Within equal ranks, seniority is by date of commission or warrant. Overall command of such units is vested in the Lord High Admiral; field command is vested in the officer responsible for raising the unit. Field command of a unit of Crescent Marines must be held by a naval officer of rank Captain or above, or by an appointed Captain of the afterguard. Officers forming such units shall meet with the Lord High Admiral to choose suitable regalia for all Crescent Marines under his or her command.

Article VI Exclusive Regalia

The Crescent Navy lays no claim to exclusive use of any rank or regalia, save the designation of Royal Crescent Navy, Royal Crescent Marines, and the ensign(s) thereof.

Article VII Regalia

The regalia and badges of rank of the Royal Crescent Navy are as follows.

For the rank of Vice Admiral and Above: A gold (or brass) bo'sun's whistle

For the rank of Captain, a silver (or brass) bo'sun's whistle

All other lesser ranks shall wear regalia deemed appropriate by the appointing officer.

All appointed ranks serve until resignation or relief, by an empowered senior officer.

All members of the royal Crescent Navy may display the ensign of the Royal Crescent Navy as deemed appropriate by their appointing officer.

The Lord high Admiral Shall consult with the crown to determine suitable regalia for the duration of said office.

Article VIII Ceremony of appointment

All appointments shall be made with whatever ceremony the appointing officer deems appropriate, save only that it be before witnesses, appropriate regalia provided, documents as necessary be provided, and superior officers be notified.

Wherever possible, it encouraged that such appointment ceremonies be appropriate to the rank appointed, the traditions of the fleet and the Crescent Navy, and as in keeping with period forms and usages as may be possible.

Article IX. Letters of commissions, warrants, enlistments, reprisal or marque

All such letters shall be of whatever form the appointing officer deems appropriate, save only that it be be committed to to writing. Wherever possible, it encouraged that such letters be appropriate to the rank appointed, the traditions of the fleet and the Crescent Navy, and as in keeping with period forms and usages as may be possible.

Article X. Mundane Maritime law

All activities of the Royal Crescent Navy with regards to actual operation of maritime vessels shall be carried out in accordance with mundane federal , state and local rules and regulations regarding operation and sailing of such craft.

Article XI. Conflict with mundane laws

In all and any cases of conflict, mundane law regarding sailing procedures and regulations shall take precedence over Kingdom law and Society rules.

This charter enacted on the 2nd day of November, A.S. XXXI (1996)
By My hand, Edric, Rex Caidis
By My Hand, Albra Katerine, Regina Caidis

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Note: For those of you who attended Spring Coronation on May 18, 1996; Yes, the guild was originally to be chartered on that day, but because of a name conflict on the original charter, it needed to be rechartered.
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