Cessnock Correctional
"I was in prison
and you visited me" MATTHEW 25:36
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What is Kairos?
Kairos is an interdenominational Christian ministry to and for prison inmates. Our Lord Jesus commanded Christians to 'go and make disciples of all the nations... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you....' (Matt 28:19-20) The principal purpose of Kairos is to carry out that command in the prison environment, and to share with the inmates the unconditional love of God and forgiveness found in Christ Jesus.
Kairos aims to build strong communities of Christian disciples within the prisons. Kairos communities share and pray together, and support one another in their walk with Christ and in their Christian witness.
What does Kairos do?
The basic Kairos event is an intensive 3½ day short course in Christianity, held inside the prison, and staffed by volunteers who are happy to share their lives with the residents. Kairos is a Greek word meaning 'special time' or 'appointed time', and we like to think of it as 'God's special time' as residents and team share together through talks, meditations, sharing, praise and worship, prayer, meals and being in community as the Body of Christ. Everyone is moved and challenged to respond to Gods love and his offer of 'new life' through Jesus, to each of us. No one is ever the same after the experience.
A programme called 'The Journey Programme' is then held each week (each Tuesday in Cessnock). Team members and the graduates from Kairos meet in a comprehensive follow-on programme, that is again based on talks, sharing, prayer, worship, meals and fellowship. The residents are encouraged to take ownership of the ongoing programme.
Kairos 3½ day short courses are held every 6 months, enabling the Christian community inside the centre to grow in numbers and influence. Many of the candidates are doing the course because a fellow inmate has recommended it to them.
Does it make a difference?
When God touches your life, you can never be the same. Many of the graduates make a genuine commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Some become totally transformed and we see leadership and creative talents blossom.
Experience from USA, where Kairos has been working for 25 years, shows that Kairos graduates are less likely to be seen inside again after release, compared with recidivism rates of over 70% for the general gaol population in most states. Also as more Kairos events are held in an institution, the gaol culture mellows.
Who can be involved?
Kairos team members are largely drawn from the Emmaus, Cursillo and similar movements within the Christian churches. Team training takes place one evening each week over 8 weeks, a Friday evening to Saturday lunchtime retreat, and a commitment to the Journey Programme after the Kairos event. There is also a financial cost involved.
Kairos is a rewarding ministry. Those who have been on team will tell you that they get as much out of Kairos as the residents do. As St. Francis said 'it is in giving that we receive....'
The Lord has chosen Bob Royal to be Lay Director (Rector) of Kairos Cessnock #8. If you are interested or would like more details for being on team, email cessnockkairos@geocities.com There are many other ways you can support this ministry as you can see below.
Support Can Be In Many And Varied Ways
DONATIONS for food for
inmates during the short course, stationary (journey program manuals and information
literature) and disposable items, and teaching aids.
AGAPE (Palanca)
Letters of encouragement, posters from
Sunday school pupils, or anyone or group that feels they would like to contribute with
some encouraging message to the residents.
Cloth with Scriptural messages or verses. Size doesn't matter
they can be big or small.
These items are very important to the
inmates as they don't get them normally.
Up And Coming Kairos Dates
May 8th - 11th 2001 - Director -
Bob Royal
#9 - October
23rd - 26th -
Director to be
Chairman Cessnock Regional Committee - Geoff Leggett
Lay Director
Cessnock #8 - Bob
Agape - Pauline Bentley
Secretary - Geoffrey Danger
My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
Click above to find out more
on Kairos.
Webmaster PAUL GRANT
This page was last updated 10th November 2000
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