Welcome to my guestbook! Thanks for stopping buy, and have a great day!! :)

Ante - 04/24/00 18:35:54
My URL:http://ante.what.cc
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: Yes
Did My Site Help You?: Yes

No comments.

Ante - 04/24/00 18:35:27
My URL:http://ante.what.cc
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: Yes
Did My Site Help You?: Yes

No comments.

Timmo Krull - 03/31/00 08:05:07
My Email:tutulutuputu@yahoo.com
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: sure why not
Did My Site Help You?: I've seen better, hahaahaaaaa, no it was great, and i have seen it before as you know. oh yeah by the way my aunt Taimi says hi and so do everyone else around here, even me. see ya


cherry - 03/11/00 06:44:26
My Email:luvdove@cnnmail.com
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: YOU'RE MY SAVIOUR!


Ulisses - 01/31/00 01:56:27
My URL:http://geocities.yahoo.com/members/cgi-bin/homestead/file_manager
My Email:parente@gold.com.br
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: yes
Did My Site Help You?: yes

I'd like to thank u for your helpful site, especially for me, a beginner. Visit me at geocities/athens/library/prometaeus housed at 6073. See u soon Ulisses

Ficko - 01/18/00 19:48:31
My Email:ficko@lochness.net
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: Yesss
Did My Site Help You?: Not yet :-)

It's a pity I've known a little bit of html before I found you page. It would be so nice to learn from yours reference. But I think some "advanced" guide on forms and scripts would still be useful to me :-)

roni - 01/10/00 03:31:33
My Email:ronirausch@hotmail.com
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: great
Did My Site Help You?: yes

Looking forward to seeing your other lessons. I'm moving from the web authoring programs into HTML and stumbled onto your page! Thanks

Dani - 12/26/99 17:26:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dani_70043
My Email:guill@bellsouth.net
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: sure
Did My Site Help You?: yes

Great site. You've written clear, easy to understand directions. I've taken notes and now I'm off to make my own site from scratch. All I knew before this was how to use the wizard on geocities. I see you used tables. I hope you'll finish that part n xt. Thanks

Andrew B. - 12/23/99 22:24:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/1511
My Email:abanc@brightok.net
Did You Enjoy Your Stay?: I hope I did!
Did My Site Help You?: I wrote it...I'm sure it would have if I didn't know about HTML though! :)

Just testing out the good ole guestbook! Hope everyone enjoys the new site layout! Have a great day!!

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