Welcome to Author
Raina Lynn's
Home Page
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of cyberspace! This is a new site, and some of what I have planned for it is still on the drawing board. I hope, though, that enough is up and running to make your visit a pleasant one.

About Raina Lynn

Information on my published works,
including excerpts and reviews from
HOLT Award winner & from Waldenbooks best seller
Raina Lynn's Books

Information on my first book for Berkeley/Jove
Upcoming Release

It has been quite a while since I've added any new articles here. Hope to correct that soon. Thanks for your patience.
Tips For Beginning Novelists

The BICC Train

Here are a few of my favorite places on the web.

I'd truly like to make this site a valuable resource for writers and readers of romance fiction. Please take a moment to sign my guestbook, and let me know how I can better meet your needs.

In Loving Memory

Please email me at
I'd love to hear from you!