That is: the first should be history, the second is fantastical history, and the third an allegory of my history.
Gracie Allen, wife and comedy partner to George Burns, ran for President of the United States in 1940. As part of this publicity stunt, Gracie wrote a book on her experiences. This book, "How To Become President" being out of print since its publication in 1940, is now available online, complete with pictures! Just click on the picture on the left of Gracie making a campaign speech.
There is more information on Gracie Allen's campaign here.
To view the George and Gracie mother page
Click Here
The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy books that tell the story of a world called Narnia and four children that travel there from our world. They are met by many interesting characters, the most important being Aslan, the lion.
These books are wonderful fantasy books but they are also loved for the way that they present Christian truths and stories of the faith including the death and resurrection (in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe).
Here are two links to tell you more about these books:
The Narnian Timeline
As created by the author
The Cast of Narnians
A brief description of each of the major characters in the books including a listing of where in the series they appear.
For you who are intrested in the band Jars of Clay the title song to their new album was inspired by this book!
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