Is everyone ready to go back to school? Well, get ready, because it's on the way!!!! :o) last updated 8/8/99!!!

Melfi's Corner

:o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)

Welcome Back to my Webpage! I will continually be updating so check it out... Make sure you sign my Guestbook... and Keep on visiting me!!!

The Melfi Update

~Last Days of Summer~

Welcome back to my humble home on the web. I guess it has been a while since this page has been updated, but I assure you that all is well! I am going to try and update something in every area of my page, so keep your eyes peeled! As of now, I have enjoyed my summer, but I am dreadfully anxious for school to start! I am entering a new school this year and I look foward to meeting all sorts of people and learning many new things. I have kept up with my summer reading assignments and I am preparing my self for a another whole school year. I hope everyone is enjoying their last days of summer, and I urge you to continue browsing my page. Have fun!

The Mind of Melfi - come journey into my mind and leave a piece of yours!
Melfi's Doodlers
Melfi's Pictures
Melfi's Peanuts Page
Melfi's Quotable Quotes
Melfi's Sunset Beach Links
Melfi's Friendship Flower
Melfi's I Dream of Jeannie Page
Melfi's Cool Site Award - come submit your site for an award!
Melfi's Fantasy Realm - come venture into my world of fantasy with unicorns, dragons, and faries!
Melfi's Link Room - Come see my favorite links!

Melfi's Corner "Post Its"

Read Me! Read Me!

As for coming attractions: I am still working on "The Forest" which will be the area of my page where I let you guys in on the books I am currently reading and books that I have read. I will give reviews and otherfun stuff... so watch for it sometime this year. As for updates... I am trying to get in as much as I can for today, so look around and be alert for little green updated signs :o) NEWS: Melfi's Cool Site Awards and Melfi's Fantasy Realm are going to be temporarily disabled (won't be updated) You can still see them, but I am putting them on hold for a long while. Enjoy your surf on the Melfi internet waves and keep on visiting. Sign da' book!

My Birthstone :o)

Well thats all for now! SEE Y'ALL

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