Living Waters Church
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Pastors Phillip & Marcia

Living Waters Church

Address: P.O. Box152,

Hornell, New York 14843

Phone: (607) 324-5117

Office Hours:

Mon. - Thurs. 10am - 3pm 

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"A Place To Call Home"

Invites you to attend our church services:

Sunday @ 9:45am Sun. School and Worship Service @ 11am

Wednesday night Bible Study @ 6pm


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; As Pastor of "Living Waters Church" I would like to share with you a little about our church, and as you continue to read more about each and every ministry here at "LWC" you will begin to see our vision unfold through the various ministries of what we as a church have been called of God to do. My desire and prayer is that we may be able to touch you and your family with the love of God in some way!

It is my desire to have a place where each person who would choose to attend "Living Waters Church", can have a place to fulfill his or her desire for the kingdom of God and that there would be a platform of Teachers and Preachers and Leaders to help assist them to grow to their maximum potential in the Kingdom of God!

A place where all people, both rich and poor, young and old, educated and uneducated, can work together without prejudice to help each other in this work of God!

A place that will create ministry from within itself, together to build the "Kingdom of God" and everything that we need will be within us (for whom God calls he will equip!).

A place where the ministries will reach out of the four walls of this Church, to its community and the nations of this world, with a powerful and positive touch.

But most of all, I want a place where each person, regardless of race or status, will call "HOME"

                                                             God Bless, Pastor P.J. Casterline

Copyright 1999 - 2020   "Living Waters Church"

Praise the Lord!