Welcome, merry traveler, to my peaceful realm of Rivendell.  I impart to you good fortune and much cheer as you wander through my quaint homeland.  I hope you enjoy your stay!Whimsey Quest

Haven't updated in quite a while, but I did finally add a guestbook!

 If you would like to link to Rivendell, you may use either a text link or the button below (please save it to your own hard drive by right-mouse clicking and choosing "save as"), and link to /olwyn13/.  If you are interested in exchanging links, please feel free to email me. 

Home | The Scribes' Page | Background Set | Enchanted Realm of Faeries | Galadriel's Galleries | The Lady of Shalott | The Highwayman | Legolas' Links | Page of Credits | Links & Webrings

Whimsey Quest


I claim no rights or ownership to the artwork displayed on this site.  All works have been credited where known.  If you have information on a credit that is not here, please email me so I can add it accordingly.  Olwyn's Enchanted Realm of Rivendell © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.
Revised: May 4, 2002
Email: olwyn13@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/olwyn13