
*   Work Information

*   Favorite Links

*   Contact Information

*   Current Projects

*   Biographical Information

*   Personal Interests


Work Information

Job Title

Professor and Department Chairperson, College of Education, Ajman University of Technology and Sciences (AUST), Abu Dhabi, UAE .

President, Arab Culture Center, Michigan, USA.

Former Consultant, Research Institute of Social Policy, Michigan, USA. 

Key responsibilities

Administrative Responsibilities

*   Strategy Planning

*   Organizing

*   Coordinating

*   Assessing

*   Evaluating

Teaching Responsibilities

*   Syllabus Constructor

*   Lecturing

*   Skill building

*   Attitudes Change Agent

*   Research Reporting


Department or workgroup

*   Educational Sciences:

*   General Psychology

*   Educational Evaluation

*   Research Methods

*   UAE Society

*   History of Sciences in Islam

*   General Methods of Teaching

*   Methods of Special Subject: Arabic Language, Islamics, Science, and Mathematics.


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Favorite Links

*   yahoo.com

*   geocities.com

*   palestine1944


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Contact Information

E-mail address: Hy2006us@yahoo.com

Web address: Hasanyahya.com

Office phone:   971 2    62 66664  Ajman University, Abu Dhabi


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Current Projects

*   Title   Autism Case Studies  

*   Title   Crescentology, the Socio-therapy of Conflict Management

*   Title   Changing Attitudes and Behaviors Among University Students Toward Technology


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Biographical Information

Hasan Yahya was born at a small village called Majdal-Yaba in Mandate Palestine (1944). He migrated as a refugee to Mes-ha, a village west of Nablus (West Bank), then moved with his family to Zarka, 25 km north of Amman – Jordan. He finished the high school at Zarka Secondary School, 1963. He was appointed as a teacher in the same year.  Studied Law first at Damascus University, then Lebanon University. He moved to Kuwait. Where he got married in 1967.  He was working at Kuwait Television, taught at bilingual School, and Kuwait University. In 1982, Hasan left to the United States to  continue his education at Michigan State University. He got the Master Degree in 1983,  the Ph.D degree in 1988 in Education (Psychology of Administration ). In 1991, He obtained his post degree in research, the result was a second Ph.D degree in Social Psychology. He was the only student who enrolled ever to pursue two simultaneous Ph.D programs.

Professor Yahya employment history began as a supervisor of a joint project to rehabilitate Youth (out of prison) by  Michigan State University and Intermediate School Districts. Worked also as a Teacher Assistant and lecturer in the same university. He was offered a position at Lansing Community College as well as Jackson Community College where he was assistant professor,  then associate professor, then full professor. He taught Sociology, psychology, education, criminology and research methods. He supervised 19 Master and Ph.D candidates on personal, economic  and social development topics. Professor Yahya published dozens of articles and research reports in local, regional, and international journals. His interest covers local, regional and global conflicts. 

He also, was a visiting professor at Easterm Michigan University to give Conflict Management courses. Prof. Yahya accepted an offer to join Zayed University Faculty Team in 1998, then he accepted an offer from Ajman University of Science and Technology in 2001.

Social Activities and Community Participation: Dr. Yahya was a national figure on Diversity and Islamic Issues in the United States, with special attention to Race Relations and Psychology of Assimilation. He was invited as a public speaker to many TV shows and interviews in many countries. His philosophy includes enhancing others with knowledge to appreciate the others,  and to compromise with others in order to live peacefully with others. This philosophy was the backgrounds of his theory, called “ Theory C. of Conflict Management”. And developed later to a Science of Cultural Normalization under the title: “Crescentology.”   

 For a complete resume (c.v) click here.     


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Personal Interests

*   Investigating and Editing Research

*   Golfing and Sailing

*   Walking, Jogging, and Scouting

*   Writing and analyzing


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Last revised: 7.27.2002