Fenricks Homestead If you don't see a border with link's on the left side, please click here for the updated site..
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Welcome to Fenrick's Homestead.
I am proud to presents the site with everything,
meaning, You get more of what you want!.

Hello and welcome again to the homestead, here at Fenrick’s we hope to create an enviroment that will satisfy all interests, there is an area with poetry from vistetors and we are allways adding more to the site.
This site is made for you the visitor and if you have anything to say about the site, or have a segestion on adding to or fixing the site please let use know.
Also if you wish to help with the site please tell us what you can contribute, we will be most greatfull for your assistance, be it from some poetry to adding a new section to the site.
Please enjoy your stay at the homestead!

Contact the Webmaster of this site:
E-mail me at firestart50@hotmail.com
Or MSN Messanger on Same.

Whats been Updated!

Goto HTML "whats been updated!" page with link to new stuff.



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Please sign my guest book!
If you find any probloms or have some segstions on adding to
or bettering the site please let me know

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Here at the homestead we have a number of interestes coverd,
and so we offer you the following links to chose from:
<==As see on the left side navegation bar

What is all this:
Wiccan World: The Flame Spirit's Wiccan World page is full of pagan
information on, Diffrent traditions, metheds of
practicing magic and much more.
Flame's Info: This is a photo album and some information about the
site's webmaster.
Edgar Alen Poe: A page Devoted to the late great poet.
Fairuza Bulk: The Finest actress to grace the the cinimer screen
Buffy's House: This is a large amount of picture's sorted and thumb
nailed for collectures and those looking for
thair sites.
Poet's Corner: This is a page were i desplay the best of the poetry
that is given to me via friends and visitors.
Astral winds: This is a link to a freinds site that was a past
resedent of the homestead. Includes: David Boreanaz, Jennifer Hewitt, Kerr Smith, lots of pic's.
Link's Library: This is a link to all the other pages on this site,
as well as some links to freinds site and other great
sites from around the web!
Goblin Gamerz: This is a Game freaks site with some stuff of chain
mail and some good links.(non functional)
The 3 p's charmed: The new section here at the homestead with Bio's
and faq's page.

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