to the dream interpretation section.
This section is a series of different dreams that we've had sent into the mailing list for interpretation. We thought you'd like to see some of the different ways we interpret dreams, and some of the hidden symbolisms. If you have a dream you would like interpreted, why not join us?
Aliens and Lights - Submitted by Ev
Applications- Submitted by Paul 
Aqueduct- Submitted by John Gault
Candy and Roses- Submitted by Anonymous
Cars and Coins- Submitted by Julie
Cats On a Razors Edge- Submitted by JJ 
Celestial Dreams- Submitted by Sheree
Circle Dance - Submitted by Ev
Demons- Submitted by Lumnius 
Dolphin Girl- Submitted by Anonymous 
Dormrooms, Tropical Plants and Roommates- Submitted by Ren
Dream within a Dream- Submitted by LaughingKoala
Drowning- Submitted by Maya
Eagle - Submitted by Oneiro
Dying Elders and Showers- Submitted by Baba
Fight with the Devil- Submitted by LaughingKoala
Freddy Krueger and Lucid Dreaming - Submitted by Sheree
Hall Of Doors- Submitted by Venus 
Horses and Premonitions - Submitted by Oneiro (I think!!!)
Integration- Submitted by Tanith
Kings - Submitted by Maya
Marbles and Wrecks - Submitted by Zandra
Multiple Moons - Submitted by Sheree
Murder - Submitted by Kelly
Naked (Exposed) - Submitted by Stephanie
Powers- Submitted JW3013
Prometheus - Submitted by John Gault
Ravens and Eagles - Submitted by Peregrine
Skyland- Submitted by Pine 
Speed Skater Dream - Submitted by Ev
Stranger Girl- Submitted by Mar 
Twin Tornados - Submitted by Kris
I found myself, and woke him up!- Submitted by Michael 
War Dreams - Submitted by Maya
War and Fort - Submitted by Greywulf
Wastelands & Portholes- Submitted by LaughingKoala 
Weddings and Blisters- Submitted by Oneiro
Wedding Rings and Malls- Submitted by Maya
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This page was last updated October 8th 1999