Armory |
This page is dedicated to the making of arms that are used in the Royal Order of Chivalry. There are two diffrent styles of sword combat in the ROC. One is rattan sword and the other is boffer sword. Our members will not compete using rattan until they have the proper armor. However everyone can take part in the use of boffer swords with the minimum amount of armor. |
Rules of Combat |
Each Knight is given an armor value according to the amount and type of armor they are wearing. The range goes from 1 to 4. This is discussed more in the armor section. There are 5 general rules: 1. The Marshal will inspect the armor before the competition and designate the armor value. 2. The value of a Knight's armor is the amount of hits he is allowed before being vanquished. 3. Knights should be able to "call" the blows they receive. 4. Marshals can be appealed to in a disagreement. 5. Chivalry will be exhibited at all times.
Illegal Target Areas 1. The groin area. 2. The knees and below. 3. The wrists. 4. The neck. |
Armor |
Crusader Helmet |
Coif |
Spaudler |
Rerebrace |
Tabard or Surcoat |
Elbow cop |
Vambrace |
Gauntlet |
Heater Shaped Shield |
Basket Hilt |
Cruisse |
Broadsword |
Knee cop |
Half greave |
Armored Combat Games |
Here are a few armored combat games that you might enjoy. |
Single combat. Knights are awarded hit points for the amount of armor that they are wearing. Armor values range from 1 to 4. The knights fight until their hit points are all gone. Then there is the ONE SHOT. Which implies that one solid hit to a vital area wins.
Team events. The Melee' is an event in which two teams fight for the flag or the last man standing. If playing for the flags, the object is to capture the other teams flag and make it back to your side to win. A team can win by eliminating all of the other team's knights. The point system for armor applies to this game. There is no hand to hand grappling. A time limit can be placed on this game. For added amusement, resurrection points can be designated for the deceased knights. After a time limit they can be allowed back into the game or they can be given a certain amount of resurrections. Bridge Battle. A bridge is marked off by two rows of hay bails forming a "bridge" 10 - 25' and 30 - 75' long. Each team advances from the opposite side. Any warrior that steps off the bridge is eliminated. Last team standing wins. Portal Battle. A portal is made by 4 x 4 posts set in the ground 5 - 15 feet apart. One team defends and the other attacks. Attacks can only be made through the portal. Last team standing wins.
Construction of swords |