Meetings and Events

Household Meeting

Roll of Arms
ROC in Missouri

We had a wonderful time at our last meeting.  We took in four new members.  We discussed our September campout.  It will be held on the church grounds.  Cost will be $5 for those that stay over night and $3 for those that are just coming for the evening.  We will be having dinner in the fellowship hall. It will be served Feast style.  The menu will be posted later.  The campout will be held September 15 - 16.  The dinner will start at 6:00 PM.  We will have our next meeting on the 9th of September at 7:00 PM.

Summit First Assembly of God

The Royal Order of Chivalry

Clan of MacGregor

Sword Training

Marshal Sagan is in charge of all training of arms.  Sagan will announce the next date for sword taining.


The Quest was held on October 8th and 9th at the Luebbering farm.  Six members went through the Quest, all of which completed the Quest.  Lady Lillie Aunna cooked her venison stew for the evening meal.  Sir William conducted the communion service after the Quest.  Logan and Nathan were taken into the service of Sir Lynden.  They received tabards with Lynden's arms there upon.  Both pages served during the communion service.  The weather did not cooperate.  We were rained on during the night, which made matters of getting out of the woods interesting, considering the crossing of the creek and getting up the hill.  Everyone had a good time. 


A Feast was held at Summit First Assembly of God on September the 18th at 5:00 PM.  Fourteen were in attendance.  The Feast had two removes.  The first remove consisted of:  roasted chicken, braised cabbage, pears in sauce, cucumbers in sour cream, bread, butter and honey butter.  The second remove consisted of:  venison stew, honey carrots, cherry bread pudding, cheese and apples.  Master Minstrel Jason provided music for us and Sir Barclay presented a devotion.  Pictures of the Feast will be posted later.