This is where we'll try to explore some core beliefs.
My path is not Wiccan, although it is probably closer to this than to any other religious path I've trod.
I am an Eclectic, meaning, it's very hard to pigeon-hole what I believe into one category of faith. I am just as likely to enlist the aid of My Lady Macha as I am to call upon the Lord of the Forest.
A true Aquarian, I change my religious practice as I see fit. After all, practice makes perfect.
Since most mainstream religion focuses on the male aspect of Deity, the Eclectic path, especially for Witches, tries to reclaim the balance lost through focus on Divinity as Female and Male.
My own experience with the Feminine has revealed the freedom of the Maiden in the sweet scent of a summer wind, the grace of the Mother in the swaying of a willow, and the wisdom of the Crone as I sat beside my campfire and gazed up at a perfect dark sky.
Knowing that, unlike mainstream religion, I am not subject to the whims of a male god, and of a "lower class" simply because I am female, has been a freeing experience, and this freedom can sometimes be frightening.![]()
As with everything in life, my perception of the Male aspect of Divinity has been clouded by my early experiences. As a child, I could not understand how any God could love His children, and still condemn them to a horrible death-not the fire and brimstone kind, but rather one far worse-eternal seperation from Him.
Through my studies, I have found my own truth: that seperation from the Deity is not possible. We are all connected, and therefore, inseperable.
Having found that, I began to question everything I'd been taught, and the house of cards came tumbling down. This is not to say that certain religions are wrong; I believe, like us, they are all a part of the All, the One. My path simply lies along a different road, and my vision of God is much broader than it used to be.
Prayer as a form of Magick?
While most religions view this idea, at best, as sacrilege, and at worst, downright blasphemy, it nevertheless holds true in the Eclectic heart.
When a Pagan prays, (yes, Virginia, we do pray, quite alot, if truth be told) we are not "asking for help", in the common notion of prayer with which many are familiar. We are aligning our will with the constructive energies of the Deities we worship. We do not beg, plead, or bargain, for this would demean our relationship with the Divine. Which is why we always pray for what is right and best for everyone, acknowledging the fact that we are limited, and yet not.
Thoughts on the Wiccan Rede
Since I am not Wiccan, my view is a bit broader on this subject. In the Eclectic world, any Witch who cannot hex, cannot heal. Simply because we can do a thing, does not mean we will do it, but everything has a shadow that is no less valued, for without one, one cannot have the other. In this world, we are given choices, and no Deity that I've heard says that a Witch must be a doormat. If I am crossed, I have the right to protect myself, and I will try my best to do it in such a way that harms no one, but unfortunately, this isn't always possible, as any outcome is affected by the actions of others. And I have come to another conclusion in my "older age". Sometimes it is worth the Karma.
To Spell or Not to Spell?
This subject has caused much debate in the Pagan community, and it's said, if you ask a question of nine Witches, you'll get nine different answers. True, for if nothing else, Paganism is about the freedom to be.
I personally, will not teach anyone to cast; first, because my spells are unique to me, and second, because my spells are unique to me! Casting is an extremely personal experience, one that is embarked on after, and only after, a great deal of contemplation, and only when all other mundane methods have failed.
There is one exception, however, and this involves the casting of a shield or a ward. Shields are for animate objects; Wards will guard inanimate or material objects. You will find the complete spell for these types of protection here.
Magick is not a quick fix; it will not instantly solve Life's problems, and anyone out to do this is in for a boring life to be sure.
On that note, comes the subject of Love spells. Rule#1 is: "Never do anything to another that you would not have done to yourself, times three." Any manipulation of another's will, without their consent, carries a load of backlash, which I may take on for myself (as in revenge {yes, Virginia, some of us do that.}), but no way will I mix myself up in some lovesick mess! Consequently, I will not cast manipulative spells for one person on another. To do so would tangle me up in someone else's Karma, and, no thank you, Mary Jane!
Thoughts on the Christ and Christianity
Having been raised between two warring camps of Christianity, I had ample time and reason to study very closely the precepts governing this religion. This opinion is my own, and though I'm sure it will ruffle a few feathers, you are free to email me with any constructive discussion. Be warned, though, flames will simply be deleted. As Voltaire said, "I may not agree with your view, but I will fight to the death for your right to express it."
In my studies, I have formed the opinion that Jesus is, in fact, the "Annointed One", but that belief is undergoing constant change and evolution.
Many Witches are still struggling to reconcile bad experiences with former religions; thankfully, I feel my own "trauma" regarding mainstream religion has driven me to study even further, and I have come away with the belief that Jesus was an extraordinary Man who was at One with Divinity. This, in my humble opinion, made Him a very powerful practitioner of magick. This man (no capital) knew the power of words.
And it is said that, in His teachings, He stated that nothing He had done was impossible for any mortal man, if joined with the Divine. Unfortunately, this message has been clouded by translators, Christians and Pagans alike to shake a Divine finger at anyone who "dares" to practice magick, which, as one Pagan so appropriately stated, is "merely prayer with props." My own experience is simple: One can't change perceptions from the outside the door. Many of Jesus' parables and lessons strike a resonant note the very core of Paganism.
For those who beieve one cannot be both Christian and Pagan:
This may only be true in the very strictest sense of the word. There are many who seek to combine the tenets of the Craft with the core teachings of Jesus. For this reason, I have adopted the use of the phrase Jesu-Pagan, implying rejection of traditional xianity, with its' history of violence and hatred, and identifying with the practices and magicks (otherwise called "miracles") of the man from Nazareth.
In my studies, I have found that biblical prohibitions against practicing, and practitioners of, the Craft are found in the Old Testament, with none (so far; I will include any I find.) in the New.
For those interested in special links following this path, click here.Although there is indeed shadow and light in all religious practices, I believe we are all more alike than many would wish.
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