What has chocolate to do with Paganism, you ask? Well, apart from being what was once called "the food of the Gods", I can truthfully say that, while indulging in this wondrous confection, I have had what can only be described as a religious experience!
Here, I'm going to show you some humor, share some recipes, and, if you're on your way to the MoonLodge, make your journey there a bit more pleasant.
So, have a look around, and don't leave without an armload!
Why M&M's are Wiccan/Pagan:
*MM = Merry Meet*
Round shape for wheel of the year, cycle of seasons
* Skins are different colors, but the inside is the same chocolate, because we are all related.
* Associations with the colors:
Red = South
Green = West
Dark Brown = North
Yellow =East
Orange = For the Solar God
Light Brown = For the Earth Mother
* Rotate the M & M:
M = 13th letter of alphabet, and there are 13 witches in a coven.
3 = Triple Goddess, three phases of moon
W = Witchcraft, Wiccan
E = Enlightenment, Enchantment of chocolate*
"Melt in your mouth, not in your hand"--God/dess's love must be experienced directly to appreciate. Also, God/dess will take care of you.* Sweetness to remind us of how sweet the love of the God and Goddess is!
*Note-if anyone knows the author of this piece, let me know, and I will include credit.
Godiva Chocolates
Mendocina Fine Chocolates
Ethel M. Chocolates
The Chocolate Epicure
M&M's Network
The Endangered Species Chocolate Co.
This is Truphles, adopted from the Sitefights Holiday Dragon Adoptions.