Immanuel Lutheran Church
1237 East Coolspring Ave.
Michigan City, IN  46360

The name "Immanuel" means
"God with us".

Jesus promised, "Where two or three are
gathered together in my name, there
I will be with them."
Matthew 18:20

We invite you to share our Christian Fellowship.

We are a member congregation of the
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

Our Mission Statement:
Loving, serving and sharing Jesus with you!

   Immanuel congregation began in
   1904. In 1966 the present church
   and educational building was
   dedicated. A new pipe organ was
   consecrated in 1985. In 1990,
   Simeon Square, a Senior Citizen
   Retirement Center, was opened. In
   1997, our facilities were expanded
   and dedicated. The expansion
   includes a Christian day care
   center. The congregation consists
   of approximately 700 persons.

Our Worship Schedule
Saturday Evening - 6:00 pm
 Sunday - 8:00 and 10:45 am
Sunday School - 9:15 am

HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated at both services every week.
We also celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays each month.

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN HOUR is broadcast on Channel 99
Comcast Cable Michigan City, Sunday 5pm.

Our Other Pages:

 What We Believe
Pastor Kevin Palmer's Page
Sermon Page 2009
Sermon Page 2008
Calendar Items
 How to Find Our Church
 Bible Search (in German as well)
 Duneland Lutheran High School
 Our Favorite Links 
 Daily Devotionals 

Our Staff

                Rev Kevin Palmer (219)872-4048

             Director of Youth and Family Ministries
                Barbara Herzinger, Deaconess (219)872-4870

             Church Secretary
                Susan Smith (219)872-4419

             Simeon Square
                Manager (219)874-9675


If you would like to email Immanuel Lutheran Church, please send your comments, questions and remarks to:

Copyright 1999-2008. Webpage created by LMellen. To report problems or broken links, please email her at:
All Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. NIV.