It's gone on for years, hunting of seals for various parts of their bodies, especially their penises, which are used in Asian "aphrodisiacs". Their methods are crual, heartless, and irresponsible. So why then does it continue? It's time to take a stand and protest the inhumane and cruel hunting of the Canadian Seals! If this hunting is to continue we need to see a regulated set of rules that oversee the humane treatment of these animals, instead of senseless slaughter for one tiny piece of their body.
I received the following letter last week from Mr Leslie Dickout, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
Dear Take Action of the Week List Owner,
I am writing to you since you are a contact for and I thought you'd like to know
about the
upcoming coverage of the Canadian seal hunt at .
As you may know, the issue of seal hunting has
been covered by worldwide media for over 30
years. This year will offer
a comprehensive site with daily news and
In addition, the site will have information on the
event from several different sources, including
hunt statistics and information about the seals.
We will present both sides of the story, with
links to both pro-hunting sites like the Canadian
Sealers Association (CSA) and animal welfare
groups. It's our intention to let you make up
your mind about the seal hunt.
If I can answer any questions for you, please
let me know. Thanks for your time.
Leslie Dickout
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Since this letter, I have visited the site mentioned in the letter, and I recommend you do too. It is very comprehensive, with lots of information on the event, the issues, the pros and cons, and you can make up your mind as to what you want to do about this situation.

To read more on the issue, please visit the following links, they have a lot of information which you might find interesting, you can also type "Canadian Seal Hunt" into any search engine and it's sure to bring up more than enough information for you. Some search engines I like to use are:
Infoseek   Alta Vista   Dogpile
U.S. Lawmakers Oppose Canadian Seal Hunt
Twelve members of the United States Congress have written letters to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright declaring their opposition to Canada's commercial seal hunt and urging her to take action.
Seal Penis Trade Spurs Unregulated Hunting
The study concluded that although the size and value of the trade in seal penises is unknown, the existing legal trade serves as a cover for trade in species that are protected from hunting under national and international laws.
IoA Knowledge Bank - Seal Hunts
Thanks to global media suppression, the story of the horrific slaughter is simply being buried. No wonder, the truth is shocking. Baby seals being killed for their penis which is used to make aphrodisiacs for the Asian market.
Seal Conservation Society News 2000
With the annual Canadian east coast harp seal (Phoca groenlandica) and hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) hunt due in late March early April the Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Herb Dhaliwal, announced on 21 December 1999 that this year's hunt quotas for harp seals and hooded seals will remain at the 1999 levels of 275,000 and 10,000 respectively.
NAIA protests Seal Hunting
IFAW supported a boycott of Canadian fish and fish products to pressure the government into ending the seal hunts, distorted the regulations by alleging that baby seals are still clubbed for their pelts and sport hunting licenses are available, and claimed that seal populations are in danger from the hunt.
Canadian Sealing Press Release
Sealers -- and the sealing industry -- have moved to position sealing as an industry much the same as any other which uses animals for consumption by humans. This exceptionally well received program is creating a lot of positive attention.....
Seal Conservation Society - Research shows Canadian harp seal hunt is unsustainable
A paper written by the Canadian marine mammal scientist David Lavigne, due to be published in the June 1999 issue of Marine Mammal Science, has shown that by taking into account seals 'struck and lost' along with the hunts in both Canada and Greenland, an estimated 400,000 to over 500,000 harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) in the Northwest Atlantic population were killed last year.
The Brigit Bardot Foundation- New Threat To Seals
Despite the protest movements incited in March 1995 by the announcement of a large scale resumption of seal hunting in Norway and Canada, these two countries have not only decided to continue the seal hunt this year, but also to significantly increase the authorised quota !
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