Welcome to one of my corners of the Web :-)
This site is to be dedicated to keeping people in touch with what is happening in the world of human rights, animal rights, environment watch etc etc.. with lots of links to important places and causes to support, please take the time to look around and act on some of these causes... they really are worth it, and *one* can make a difference. Remember some of these people? Ghandi? Mother Theresa? Jesus? Nelson Mandela? John Lennon? Princess Diana? Helen Keller? Kahlil Gibran? Martin Luther King? OK... I think you get my idea :-) hehehe.
Enjoy your stay. Bright Blessings.

Due to recent changes in my life, I am unable to continue updating this page as often as I would like. Researching issues takes a lot of time and effort that I am unable to devote to the topic at hand, so rather than put out a half-decent attempt at an informative page, I'm leaving it as is until I can find the time to continue. Please still take a look around the pages that are here. And if you have any information you'd like to see here, please contact me. If I feel strongly about it, I'll put it up here at Koala's Korner. :-) I will keep updating as I find the time. Please join the Take Action Mailing List to keep up with the issues we are dealing with, and also to be informed of updates to Koala's Korner.

As for the Weekly Take Action - if anyone is interested in helping out with that, I'd appreciate it - as it is, I'm thinking of making it bi-monthly or even monthly.


I'd just like to thank everyone who has sent me some of their issues to be posted here at Koala's Korner. I have put together a couple of pages which you will find below at the Animal Rights Watch section. Please keep sending me your issues! If I agree with them, I will post them on the Take Action Mailing List, and they might even get there very own page here at Koala's Korner! :-)

Please pay a visit to my other sites, I've been working away on them too and I think they're looking pretty good, even if there is a way to go yet :-)

World between Worlds
Earth Mysticism
My Poetry
And The Goddess Cries
Dreaming World


Female Circumcision (also called female genital mutilation - fgm -) is a collective name given to a series of traditional surgical operations performed on girls and women primarily in 28 African countries. The procedure is often done without anaestetic, and in non-sterile conditions where the girl has her gentals mutilated and removed. It is a modern-day chastity belt which leaves mental scars and physical pain for the rest of the woman's life, and it's happening NOW in OUR countries as immigration brings old traditions. It's happening HERE in the US, in Australia, in Europe and in Canada.
Read more about FGM here....

Violations of the First Nation People in NE Arizona. Navajo (Dine'h) Elders and families on the Navajo Reservation at Black Mesa/Big Mountain, are resisting further encroachment onto their sacred land by Peabody Coal. Peabody (from England) has been stripping the Navajo's land for years. As the last resistors have found wells capped, been threatened by notices of unwanted relocation, eviction and confiscation of their source of income, their livestock, they desperately need your help to keep their homes, their ancient lands and to survive.
Read more HERE.

The government of Afghanistan is waging a war upon women. The situation is getting so bad that one person in an editorial of the Times compared the treatments of women there to the treatment of Jews in pre-holocause Poland. Since the Taliban took power in 1996, women have had to wear burqa and have been beaten and stoned in public for not having the proper attire, even if this means simply not having the mesh covering in front of their eyes. I also discuss the futileness of the petition being circulated via email
... please read more about it at my pages.

It's happening in countries even today! Children, some as young as 8 and 9 being recruited to fight in a war they've been involved in since their birth... once recruited these children are subjected to brutal treatments by their own colleagues to "prepare" them for the horrors they will have to face in the coming years... if they live that long.
To learn more see my pages....


It's the only Animal Shelter on the Greek Island of Crete, founded over 11years ago by Silke Wrobel from Germany. Currently it houses in the numbers of 500 dogs, 100 cats and 12 donkeys, and it's entire existence is threatened. Read more HERE

It's gone on for years, hunting of seals for various parts of their bodies, especially their penises, which are used in Asian "aphrodisiacs". Their methods are cruel, heartless, and irresponsible. So why then does it continue? It's time to take a stand and protest the inhumane and cruel hunting of the Canadian Seals! Read more about it HERE


Maxxam Corporation has proposed to harvest almost half of the remaining ancient redwood trees located on California's north coast near the town of Eureka. This rainforest contains the last and largest remaining unprotected groves of ancient redwood trees on EARTH. To protest this, forest activist Julia Butterfly Hill has spent the last 15 months 180ft off the ground in a giant redwood she calls Luna. She is still continuing her treesit, and does not plan on coming down until something is done to protect the remaining rainforest from the destruction it faces. Read more at my pages....
Julia's stance has won her the freedom of the Redwood Rainforest!!! She has come down now that a treaty has been signed to protect the remaining forest - YAY!

The USDA, spending public money, has developed a technology whereby seeds can be stripped of their ability to propagate. They are in the process of patenting the process worldwide on behalf of Monsanto (also the producers of the deadly Aspartame) through a subsidiary (Delta and Pine Land Company. The patent applies to ALL PLANTS and has far reaching implications. There is a probability that these genetically altered plants will share their suicidal genes with OTHER plant species, and who knows the effect it might have on HUMANS if they consume? Will cases of sterility go up???
Read more HERE at my pages


It was somehow approved by the FDA despite numerous failed testing in laboratorys. Rabbits and rats developing TUMOURS the size of their heads. Aspartame is now in ALL our artificially sweetened foods, and it's DANGEROUS! The makers of Aspartame (NutraSweet) would have us believe otherwise, but the proof is out there. Aspartame is the leading cause for most adverse reactions to food additives. 90 different documented symptoms caused by aspartame were listed in the February 1994 Department of Health and Human Services report. Some of these symptoms, listed as being caused by aspartame include: headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, heart palpitations, anxiety attacks, memory loss and joint pain.
Read more at my pages.


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