The Reformation Center

" The absolute sovereignty of God compels us to trust God absolutely."


"...God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our  works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the     ages began..." 2 Tim 1:9 





False Religions

False    Teachers


Statement of Faith


Sermons, Studies, and Articles








Welcome to The Reformation Center 


The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century AD was a monumental event in church history, where the light of the pure Gospel of grace was rediscovered and boldly proclaimed.   With that in mind, the purpose of this site is to:


1.  Proclaim that Gospel of grace to those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.


2.  Provide well reasoned answers to those who may have questions concerning the Christian faith.


3.  Promote the God-centered theology of the Reformation which has largely been abandoned for a man-centered philosophy that exalts the "sovereign" will of the creature, ignorance, and compromise with the culture as true spirituality.  


My name is John Orlando.  I pray that you find the information on this site helpful.  Should you have any comments or questions, just send me an e-mail at 




My Sermons, Studies, Articles - Some sermons, studies, and articles that I've been privileged to preach, teach, and write, by God's grace.


Recommended Books, Ministries, etc.


Thoughts on Calvinism - A number of articles and responses I have written to people objecting to Calvinism.




All of Grace - Our blog 



The Bulletin Board:


Predestination, Election, and Free Will - I respond to an email from someone who has questions/comments about these topics.

TULIP with Scriptures:  a concise comparison of Calvinism and Arminianism with Scripture proofs


Was Anyone Saved At The Cross? 

By Dr. James White


The Passion of Jesus Christ - By John Piper. Fifty reasons why Jesus came to die. 


Three Articles on Atonement - by J. Gresham Machen

A Defense of the “Active Obedience” of Jesus Christ - By Brian Schwertly


Packer's Intro to Owens' Death of Death  - John Owen wrote The Death of Death in the Death of Christ some 400 years ago, considered to be an unanswerable defense of limited atonement.   J.I. Packer, a modern theologian, wrote an introduction to the reprinting of the book.  Must reading.

Heaven?  Do all roads lead to heaven?  Read and find out.

What About The Innocent Person that Never Heard About Jesus?  Does God really condemn innocent people that never even heard of Jesus?  Read and find out.

Thank Goodness?   Why do people say "thank goodness" instead of "thank God"? Also a brief analyses of the development of the culture's worldview over the past 40 years or so.

Esau and Jacob - Great info and response to the charge of hyper-Calvinism.  

Gospel-Driven Sanctification - By Jerry Bridges Why I'm a Calvinist - Why would someone be so "crazy" as to embrace Calvinism? Here's my testimony.


The Cambridge Declaration - Formulated by leading Evangelical theologians.  Enumerates and expounds upon The Sola's of the Reformation.


Our Daily Bread Devotional - You can even listen to the devotion.  


Spurgeon's Devotions - You can read the daily devotions written by the Prince of Preachers, C.H. Spurgeon


Website of the church I attend in Dresher, PA (suburb of Philadelphia):  



Website of the church I attended in Abilene TX: