> Crimes and Cover-ups: My life as a Marked Woman

- My Life as a Marked Wman -

by Brigitte Picart

last updated on...

Copyright 1999-2006 Brigitte Picart - May be printed for fair use.


A first-person account by the victim
of an attempted murder staged as a traffic accident
and of the ensuing cover-up
by the New York City Police,
the lawyers and the judges:


CRIME AND COVER-UP Timeline (1952-present)


"One of the most dangerous classes in the world is the drifting and friendless woman. She is the most harmless and often the most useful of mortals, but she is the inevitable inciter of crime in others. She is helpless. She is migratory. (...) She is lost, as often as not, in a maze of obscure pensions and boarding-houses. She is a stray chicken in a world of foxes. When she is gobbled up she is hardly missed. " A. Conan Doyle

May 2002: Moved back from NY to Paris.

POSTED 2003-09-30: Saw Mother and all siblings one after the other, under various circumstances, except Agnès. I was affectionate and cooperative with all. All I got in return were abuse of my kindness, overt and covert hostility, massive amounts of mind pollution: attempts at manipulation through guilt and shame, half-truths, staged events and dialogues, "street theatre", disinformation, emotional assaults, veiled and devious threats of horrible violence to force me to take down my website and stop writing, proofs of home invasion, vandalism of my computer, camera, sound system and bicyle, and in the space of a year at least three attempts to set me up to die "accidentally on purpose" by making me go to dangerous, out-of-the way places, and incitations to commit suicide.
I hereby solemnly declare that I HAVE NO INTENTION OF COMMITTING SUICIDE and that any injury or death happening to me would be ordered by my mother.

As in NY I have no privacy: mail, telephone and computer are under surveillance; I gave up my phone months ago and carry my laptop everywhere I go. I've been back 16 months and don't know a soul in Paris that is not an agent of my mother, so I live without speaking to anybody except when I buy something.

Now that I don't have a radio anymore I fill the silence with songs, starting when I get up in the morning. I've found song lists from the years I studied the jazz standards in NYC and am very happy to sing those beautiful songs and to find the lyrics still fresh in my memory. More

20031025: Hey folks, check my new Still Alive and Kicking On... page just to see when I last checked in. Starting today I'll check in on this page every time I log in to the internet, which is four to six times a week. In case more than a week goes by without my checking in, go to the basement at 32 avenue de Choisy, 75013 - Paris. I might be there, dead of asphyxiation because there is no air intake down there. To go to the basement, you need to remove two large garbage containers, located in a kind of closet to the left of the 2nd entrance door. Visible from the closet door, behind the two garbage containers is an old door with chipped paint that leads to the basement. That's where my mother threatens to have me taken.

P>20031110: To understand the psychodynamics of group violence, you MUST READ The Emotional Life of Nations. It shows how childhood trauma conditions individuals for violence and how a cynical leader exploits the subjects' weakness and demonizes the intended victim to achieve his/her goals.

20031108: "Irrational Behavior: Most people who betray their country are not thinking rationally, or they would not be involved in such a self-destructive activity. They are driven, in large part, by irrational emotional needs to feel important, successful, powerful or to get even or to take risks. These emotional needs are out of control, so the same emotional needs that lead them to betray also cause them to flaunt their sudden affluence or to brag about their involvement in some mysterious activity. Because they are so mixed up psychologically, they make mistakes that get them caught."
To understand the psychology of intra-family betrayal, read TREASON 101, skip what applies only to a state entity and apply the rest to a family entity, and view a famous act of betrayal HERE.

Smedley's credo: WAR IS A RACKET

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