Welcome to Infinity

A Way To Look Into The Future...

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The Birth Of Infinity

The term 'Wide To Infinity' is derived from a term in multi-level marketing. In an MLM, in order to make more money than you end up spending on their products, it is necessary to recruit others to buy products. This is known as your 'downline'. These people are placed in a structure very much like a Christmas tree, with you being the shining star on top. As you recruit more people, they are instructed to recruit people, and so on and so on. This is termed as 'going wide'. And with an unlimited number of first-level recruits, your first level is considered to be 'wide to infinity'.

This website is not interested in selling anything. However, it does appreciate the principles behind the MLM theory of reaching others. There is a definite bond between people who think alike and have like goals. There will be no recruiting here. There is only the desire to reach others.
Welcome to Wide To Infinity.

Created by and text written by: Kent Merritt

©2000 - Wide To Infinity

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