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Assalamu'Aliaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu! One of the things I like to read about when I go to people's web pages is about them....I guess outta curiosity. So, I guess, in turn, I ought to do the same, huh? Hmm, where should I begin? Well my name is Eram (w/ an E and an A) Minhaj Uddin, aka "erm germ" /"niddu". I'm originally from India, but grew up in the US. I lived in Beltsville, Maryland for about 3 years (about 20 minutes from D.C.), but moved to Columbus, Ohio in 1985. I went through kindergarten-highschool in Columbus, and currently I'm attending The Ohio State University , majoring in History and Secondary Education. I'm focusing on Islamic History - African in particular and the major Islamic empires (Ottoman, Moorish, Moghul, Persian, etc.) - so if u have any cool articles or good book suggestions, please drop me a line. Insha Allah I want to become a History teacher. :) I enjoy History VERY much. My goal is to, insha Allah, teach History at a full-time Islamic highschool, and possibly go on to become an Islamic History Professor at the college level. I'm from an average size family: Mom (Ammi), Dad (Daddy), younger sister (Sumbul), and a little cute brother (Omar). Sumbul is 18 and she just recently graduated from highschool. Omar is almost 8 and will be going into the third grade. He's really excited about Islam, Alhumdulillah, and it's really cute! May Allah guide him and continue to give him the excitment of this beautiful deen. Ameen. I enjoy doing Islamic activities. I was active in my local youth group and with MYNA (Muslim Youth of North America). Currently I'm active in my MSA. I'm coordinating an Ohio-Michigan MSA Conference for this Thanksgiving weekend - I ask you to please keep me in your dua'as. I also love art .... when I have the time, I enjoy drawing and painting. I'm trying to learn Islamic Calligraphy and etching. hmm ... what else ... did I mention that I LOVE basketball? well I do:) I'm not going to say I'm great at it, but I love it, lol:) It'a really fun and adrenyline filled sport :) I also enjoy volleyball, especially during the summer..... awe yeah, lol. It's a great sport for picnics .... you know them desi picnics, volleyball is a must at them :) CHICAGO: Everyone who knows me, knows my obsession with Chicago. Well, I have good news for you all, I no longer am obsessed with it. Yes, I am being serious. :) Please feel free to contact me and give your suggestions for this page. In the meantime, I ask you all to please keep me, my family, and this ummah in your dua'as. Jazak Allahu Khairan. Take Care. Wasalamu'Alaikum WRWB, ***Eram Minhaj Uddin*** uddin.6@osu.edu Febuary 2, 1999 |
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