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(note: following text written some time in 9th grade ... haven't updated webpage in years. college is too busy a time, tengo miedo. --> enjoy my sophomoric musings)
When one listens to Dylan's lyrics (which you'll find on his albums listed at the left), one begins to realize the true inspiration with which Dylan constructed his poems (a.k.a. songs). Also in his everyday human relations, Dylan was extraordinary in his cunning, and, no doubt, often arrogant responses. We'll establish a precedent with this incredible interview in Sweden in 1966. In addition to that, I have gathered a few difinitive links [that I feel] are central to truly understanding this phenomenal poet.
Much of Dylan can be learned through studying his image. This is the most comprehensive compilation of Dylan photography on the internet today.
Another important facet to understanding Dylan is to get inside his music. This can be easily done by playing and singing his songs on the guitar through this comprehensive list of chords.
If you need help singing the songs, after you learn the chords, come here for the most complete archive of Dylan lyrics I have ever seen.
Now, when understanding Dylan, you will run into other men, women, songs, groups, and music that promote the same sort of ideology and political outlook. Some productive links in rounding out your full experience might include:
an ode to my fellow children
Simon and Garfunkel Online Resource
NORML's Informative Webpage
The Grateful Dead's Official Homepage
The Cuban Revolution
The Calliope Pittsburgh Folk Music Society
Danman's tremendous chord archive.
A Hero of Dubious Distinction: The Pieman
Buckeye's LED ZEPPLIN page
Islandlife's Bob Marley Page
Veggie's Unite!
The True Story Behind the JFK Assassination
Now, surf onward and never forget ...
"when you've got nothin'
you've got nothin' to lose"
-Bob Dylan
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