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This brief profile has been
reduced almost entirely from non-Shi'ite sources, including famous Hadith,
History and narratives, by prominent scholars and historians of the majority
Muslim sect. Thus, this profile should be valuable for all readers,
who wish to get a balanced, unbiased and fair analysis of one of the greatest
personalities of the first century of Islam.
Voice of Human Justice
here to purchase this book at Amazon.Com (New: $16).
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This Biography, written by
an Arab Christian and a prominent writer, George Jordac, examines the various
aspects of the personality of the Fourth Caliph of Islam, from a unique
different perspective of an 'outside' admirer. An extremely well-written
book presenting a refreshing analysis of Hazrat Ali's conduct and behaviour
at various points in his life. Published by Islamic Seminary Publications.
Sufi authors have written
some of the most moving spiritual literature in the world, but getting
a handle on it all can be a chore. Where were they coming from? What were
their issues? What was their impact? Seventeen scholars have come
together to answer these and other questions in Islamic Spirituality:
Foundations. Of course, the seeds of Sufism are to be found in the
core of Islam -- the Quran, the Hadith, pilgrimage, prayer, and such. In
Islamic Spirituality: Foundations, the development of these as aspects
of an inner tradition are explored in depth as a jumping-off point for
talking about the history, practices, and beliefs of the Sufi tradition
itself. The assumption is that there is a spiritual side to Islam and that
it is most fully developed in Sufi orders and writings. After an extensive
treatment of the spirituality inherent in Islam, the authors give an overview
of the rise of Sufism. Edited by leading contemporary Islamic scholar,
Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
Ayatollah Al-Uzma Abu Al-Qasim Al-Khu'i (1899-1992) was one of the most respected Shi'i scholars of this century. This book, published in Arabic in 1974, presents al-Khu'is ideas on the interpretation of the Qur'an. In it, al-Khu'i treats many critical and controversial topics associated with the collection and canonization of the text, including the possible alterations (Tahrif) to the Qur'an introduced by succeeding generations of reciters. Throughout, he stresses the importance of understanding the historical setting in which the Qur'an was revealed in order to apply its provisions appropriately in contemporary Muslim society. Translated by Professor Abdul Aziz Sachedina.
This work of Farid Attar, a famous 12th Century Persian Sufi poet, is a masterpiece allegory of the Seeker's journey to God. When all the birds of the world convene and determine that they lack a king, one bird steps forward and offers to lead them to a great and mighty monarch, the allegorical Simurgh. Initially excited, each bird falters in turn, whereupon the leader admonishes them with well-targeted and very meaningful parables (which contain the essence of the Sufi wisdom, in the authentic words of a practising Sufi, steeped in the tradition more than 750 years back). These pithy tales are the delight of this 4,500-line poem, translated deftly into rhymed couplets. What is your excuse for not seeking God? Your life is fine already? You prefer material pleasure? You are holy enough? You have pride, lack courage, or are burdened with responsibility? Attar has an answer to encourage you on the path to the promised land. And when you get there, the king may not be what you'd expect, but you must make the journey to see.
The subsequent journey is an allegory of the soul's search for unity with the divine. In Sufism the relationship between the seeker and God is similar to that between a lover and the beloved. In this consuming and transcendent love, the distinctions between self and the divine fall away. The stories in The Conference of Birds have captivated generations of readers, inspiring them to take their own spiritual journeys.
Highly Recommended as an authentic text for students and lovers of Sufism, so that they can sort out for themselves, the essence from the fable and try to grasp the spirituality of the words of an original Sufi of the 12th century.
Non-Muslims are forbidden entry to Mecca, and it is, therefore, a place that few Americans will ever get to see. But in this special documentary, that was aired during the last month of the Islamic year on the ABC News Nightline, writer Michael Wolfe documents his trip to Islam's holiest sites. One of more than five million Muslims in the United States, Wolfe is a convert, born the son of a Christian mother and a Jewish father. The occasion is his second Hajj, and Wolfe takes viewers step by step through the spiritual side of the pilgrimage, explaining the origins and meanings of the various rituals, and then speaking live, from the Great Mosque of Mecca, with ABC News' Ted Koppel. A very interesting insight and the documentary is definitely a good presentation for introducing non-Muslims or even interested Muslims to the spirituality and meaningfulness of Hajj.
With remarkable breadth of vision, Seyyed Hossein Nasr reveals for both Western and Muslim readers how each art form in the Islamic tradition is based upon a science of nature concerned, not with the outer appearance of thigns, but with their inner reality. Ranging across calligraphy, painting, architecture, literature, music and the plastic arts, Nasr penetrates to the inner dimension of Islam and shows the role art plays in the life of individual Muslims and the community as a whole -- the role of inspiring the remembrance and contemplation of God.
Once the author establishes art as an aid and support to the spiritual life, he traces the creative act to its ultimate source: inner knowledge and barakah, or grace, which makes the crystallization of inner realities in form and space and time possible. Through this knowledge and grace, the author asserts, unity manifests upon the plane of multiplicity, making archetypal realities perceivable by the senses. Through this knowledge and grace, art functions as a ladder for the journey of the soul from the visible to the invisible. How Islamic art leads man to the inner chamber of divine revelation forms the substance of much of this important work.
An especially close look is given to the Sufi tradition within Islam, for its mystical teachers have often clearly demonstrated in their works the spiritual significance of beauty and served as the source of inspiration for art.
Translated by the esteemed contemporary scholar, William Chittick, this is certainly a valuable book, if for nothing else, then the quality of its translation. For those students of Sufism, Islamic mysticism and Persian literature, who are weary of reading "the Rumi" that the translator wanted Rumi to be, this is a remarkable work, preserving the freshness and originality of the tone and presenting Rumi, as what he was, not what the translater wanted.
With evey fourth person out on the street, (whether familiar or NOT familiar with Persian language!!) trying his best to translate, summarize and even rephrase Rumi and other great Sufi poets, this books comes as a refreshingly original and sincere effort at presenting Sufism from within its Islamic tradition and its strong integration and references to Quranic history make it a valuable reading for people genuinely interested in knowing what Rumi's teachings actually were, (minus all the hype, and the romanticized aura built around this poet and his works, by "contemporary scholars of Sufi literature" (who don't know Persian!!).
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