With the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the Sustainer of the Worlds, and Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets and Messengers, Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, and the pure members of his house, the Ahle Bait.

Islamic Books
An Electronic Library


"....a house, full of blessings and a guidance for all the worlds"  (Quran)


Aims and Objectives

This Electronic Library is intended to serve as an archive of valuable Islamic Texts, which due to a lack of publication resources, high costs, ineffective distribution networks and inaccessibility, are unavailable to Muslims, (and non-Muslims) round the globe.  These texts are meant to preserve, present and propagate Islam's ideas, and its view-points regarding contemporary problems and their solutions.

** New Information**

NOTE!!   The Download Section was the primary purpose of this website.However, in the presence of the exhaustive and extensive Digital Islamic Library Project (DILP) this would be a duplication of efforts.  From now on, in this section I will try to provide links to Islamic books (which I have read and which I consider valuable) available through online resellers like Amazon, etc and welcome any suggestions regarding the selection of these books.

Regarding this website, I will build on this core and try to make a collection of links and information, including poetry, articles, etc. on my favourite personality, Hazrat Ali (AS) and hope that this will indeed be a beneficial source for the lovers of Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), without any regard to sectarian, political or religious affiliations..  You are most welcome to add any information, article, poetry, or any other piece regarding Ameerul Momineen (AS) by emailing it to me.  (Email address given below)

Download Section

For accessing the books and texts in the Electronic Library.  Brief reviews have been given for the zipped electronic books, which can be downloaded.  Please also visit the DILP at http://www.al-islam.org  for an authentic and comprehensive collection of Islamic resources.

NEW: I will be adding reviews and links to books (purchasable online) which I have read and which I think will be beneficial to the visitors of this website. Therefore, keep visiting the Download section to check out for new additions to the list of books, recommended by yours truly!


Amazon.com Islamic Books search

Click here to search for and books on specific Islamic subjects on Amazon.com.  Keeping in view the interests of the visitors to this website, I have linked some specific searches on Amazon.com below.  Please suggest any further search combinations, which you may consider beneficial.  The search themes given below lay a special emphasis on texts focusing on Islamic history, Islamic Spirituality, biographies, Hadith, and other important texts. Click on any of the keywords below to find a related book / resource on Amazon.com and other resellers.

Islamic Caliphate -- Shiite Islam -- Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) -- Prophet Muhammad (SA) biography -- Islamic Spirituality -- Sufism -- Quranic exegesis -- Holy Quran -- Karbala -- Mysticism -- Islamic history -- Hadith -- Islamic architecture -- Islamic art -- Poetry -- Islamic sciences -- Islamic Philosophy -- Writings by S. H. Nasr --

 Discussion Forum

An outlet for expression of some personal views and ideas, addressed to the youth of different sects of Islam.


For participation, suggestions and advice, please e-mail




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