The second coming of Christ and the end of the world as we now know it

     The Second Coming, the return of Christ to Jerusalem, and the end of the world (end of the age) alluded to by Messiah Jesus Christ, could occur as soon as the year 2014. The Sharm Memorandum signed by Israel and the PLO on September 5, 1999 requires finalizing the permanent status of Jerusalem, presumably including the temple mount and the Dome of the Rock. This could be the agreement described in Chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel that Christ referenced in Chapter 24 of the Book of Matthew. This treaty could start the 7 year countdown to the end of the age (not the "end of the world") resulting in the construction of the third temple on Mount Moriah and the mid-point "abomination of desolation" that Christ described. The battle of Armageddon will be at the end of this seven year period. Nevertheless, the Sharm negotiations may not result in the treaty referred to by Daniel and our Lord. We will have to watch developments and be aware of the Third Temple teachings of Scripture. An event such as war, terrorism, an earthquake, etc. may be the catalyst in the rebuilding of the Temple. 
     Jesus said "watch" for His coming, and that is the purpose of this site, constructed in September of 1999. We will also diligently and logically examine the Scripture that is related to this great event! God has said that His temple will be built during this last 7 year period and is THE sure sign of His return. The prophesied regathering of the Jewish people into a reborn Israel in 1948 and their regaining control of Jerusalem in 1967 are sure signs that this is the last generation (40-80 years) that Christ said would see His return. This generation will also witness the anti christ, the abomination of desolation, and the great tribulation-all end time subjects of Bible prophesy. Believers and non-believers, Jews and gentiles alike are invited to check into this site periodically to keep up with the latest developments in all of the world events related to the Messiah's coming.  BE SURE AND CHECK THE LATEST UPDATES AT jerusalem temple

second_coming Click here to compare what the BIBLE says about the RETURN OF CHRIST and the recent events that suggest we might be able to start LOOKING for Him during the YEAR 2014, OR SHORTLY THEREAFTER.

end_of_the_world Click here for some Biblical descriptions of the End of the World (Age).

prove_god_prove_bible Click here if you would like to PROVE GOD or PROVE the BIBLE using the method God has given us in the Book of Isaiah.

prove_christClick here if you have DOUBTS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST as our SAVIOUR AND THE JEWISH MESSIAH.

heavenClick here for the GOSPEL, the good news on how to have ETERNAL LIFE with God.

solomon's_temple Click here to see what God says about His perpetual Jerusalem Temple.

jerusalem_temple UPDATED May 2, 2007  Click here for the LATEST NEWS AND PROPHECIES about the Final Status talks on Jerusalem between Israel and the PLO, and the rebuilding of the third Jewish temple on Mount Moriah. The "abomination of desolation" that will occur in the rebuilt temple is the sure sign that Christ will return in 3 1/2 years.

authors_experience Click here to read how the author became a Christian.

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