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Why The
Simpsons Must Die
Hot Jewish Sex
How Wit
Memo captured Eric Rudolph
The Passion of The Stooges: What does Jesus have in common
with Moe, Larry and Curly?
Beer ... Jews
... Culture War ... rename
the 'Skins
... the original Wit Memo e-zine |
Wit Memo sez: SUPPORT OUR importers of
Chinese-made yellow ribbon decals.
Oops! Mel Gibson is in the hot seat for
anti-Semitism again after uncorking an "anti-Semitic
tirade" during his recent drunk driving arrest in Malibu.
Last time
was when his smash-hit movie fingered the Chosen Ones for
ordering a hit on the Son O'God. Back then Wit
Memo asked,
how can any man who has Difficulties With Jews possibly love the
Jewish Three Stooges as much as Gibson does? In Gibson's world
view, Moe, Larry and Curly have a
lot in common with Jesus Christ. read
to the Washington Post for finally discovering that the Old
Dominion brewery is located along the W&OD
bike trail in Ashburn, Virginia, and recommending a "bike to brews"
trip as an official Washington Post fun summer activity ("Summertime
Do's," 6/18/06). Not only did the Post feature a bottle of Old
Dominion on the front page of their hip, twenty-something-oriented Sunday
"Source" section, they also reported that Old Dominion is currently ranked
one of the top 50 breweries in the world by, and included
a plug for Old Dominion's annual
beer festival the following weekend.
But just when it seemed like they'd finally gotten a story right for
once, the Post left us scratching our head with the puzzling advice, "If
you plan on swilling brewskis all afternoon, be sure to designate a driver
and a car to take you and your bike home."
Um, excuse me, Ms. Washington Post writers, but I rode
my bicycle to the brewery, instead of driving my car, precisely so I could
"swill brewskis" all afternoon ... fer cryin' out loud!
of all-things-beer Wit Memo was
surprised to learn, courtesy of Encyclopaedia
Britannica and beery sites like Real
Beer and Foam
Rangers, that to real brewers and brewing scientists,
the germinated barley seed that turns into the barley malt
that is beer's most basic building block is called, of all things, an embryo.
Decades of studious sudsing, and still that's a new one on us.
But let's make one thing clear: to those know-it-all brewing
mavens that bit of sprouted barley might indeed be an embryo,
but to Wit Memo, it's an unborn
Being single means: Not having to concoct
campy, "ironic," or hipster rationale for wanting to see "The Notorious
Bettie Page."
Let them marry and let them stay: If
any topic torques the right-wing moonbats
right now, it’s day laborers, the mostly Latino immigrants who congregate
each morning at the suburban crossroads quickie marts that serve as
de facto hiring halls for the non-union labor trades. And if there’s
anything that rattles the right’s cages more than day laborers,
it’s gays.
So it stands to reason that nothing would blow their pressure cookers
like GAY LABORERS. If the values crowd had their way,
they’d keep gay laborers from marrying and send them home ... to
Provincetown or San Francisco or Brokeback Mountain. But without
gay laborers, who’d do the socially vital jobs that homegrown heteros aren’t
will to take? So let’s raise an icy-cold Witini -the official Wit Memo cocktail - and toast the gay laborers who keep our economy
overheated by manicuring our hedges, decorating our tapas
platters, styling our lawns, and choreographing the delivery
of our drinks and the busing of our dirty dishes!
The Wit Memo 7th
Anniversary Issue! flash back to February 1999 and the
debut of, with How the Grinch Stole
Valentine's Day.
The Dada
exhibit at the National Gallery’s East
Wing until May 14 is so vast that if you go in with a snootful
(a good idea in any event), you’ll come out with a hangover. By the
time you make it to Duchamp's goateed Mona
Lisa you're so Dada'd out that your reaction just might
be "is that all there is to an icon?" Return for a backwards
tour, flouting the stern "Exit Only" signs ... what could be more
Dada than that? Highlights include drawings and paintings by George
Grosz and Otto Dix, Hans Arp's woodcuts, and the silly
poems" of Hugo Ball and Kurt Schwitters.
breathing a lot easier, thanks to the incredible speed and professionalism
of the Texas cops ... only a crackerjack police force could wrap
up such a major investigation so soon! ... continued
The cops hauled Cindy Sheehan out of the State of the
Union speech because of her T-shirt! ... and Wit
Memo couldn't be happier.
Wit Memo applauds the ejection
of Cindy Sheehan and congressional wife Beverly Young from
the House gallery for wearing war-slogan T-shirts to the 2006 state
of the union speech ... and hopes others get the same treatment. ... continued
The Wit Memo Generation:
Leonard Steinhorn, in his new
book, says that the true "greatest generation" was us baby boomers,
and not our parents? That we "protested against an unjust war ...
refused to tolerate environmental violations ... continued to challenge
racial and sexual discrimination?" (Publishers
Weekly) He must have read Wit
Memo in May 2004, when we wrote
that We baby boomers invented civil rights, ended the war in Vietnam,
created rock, discovered the environment, and weathered a storm of drugs
that's knocked the younger set right on its tattooed, overly pierced ear.
And if we've dislocated our shoulders patting ourselves on the back, it's
only 'cause we tired of waiting for someone else to say, 'Thanks!'
So Mr. Steinhorn ... you're welcome! But try some original ideas
next time!
Science news: TV in the bedroom halves your sex
life! But keeping it there a little longer may lead to more sex
than ever.
Anyone who loves watching TV in bed more than his spouse was unsettled
by recent news that, according to scientists, couples
who have a TV in the bedroom have only half as much sex as couples who
don’t! ... continued
What Pat Robertson said about Ariel Sharon wasn't even
Robertson's most disturbing statement that week. Sign
Memo's petition to get Pat Robertson a check up from the neck up!
Lost amid the hullabaloo over Pat Robertson's pronouncement
that the debilitating stroke suffered by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon was the wrathful punishment of an angry God exercised
by Sharon excising God's little half-acre was Robertson's more alarming
claim, two days earlier, that God told him that another Supreme Court
judge will soon retire, and that the Senate will confirm Samuel
Alito's appointment to that panel. ... continued
Hot for Teacher . . . or Vice Versa? The Most
Wonderful, Best-est, Heartwarming Story of 2005 that quickened
Memo's pulse and reawakened our faith ... are you listening,
Rev. Robertson?
A more heartwarming coda to 2005 could not be imagined than the spate
of year-end cable news recaps exploring what they claimed was the
most remarkable trend of the past year: female teachers arrested for
having sex with underage teen male high- and middle-school students ...
Why Wit Memo wears
a full face motorcycle helmet . . . 