Greetings! and welcome to some of the most incredible
information you will probably come across. My name is Danny Searle, and I have put
together this site in an effort to expose as many people as possible to this information,
as I feel it is EVERY persons birth rite to know about it. I feel that this information
has been controlled and monopolised by governments, religions and secret societies
long enough. Indeed, with the most historical event in the history of the universe
just around the corner, it is time for people to wake up and take back control of their
lives and Spiritual destiny.
In gathering this information, I have procured facts and figures from all over the
place, and in no way am I claiming it to be all my own. In fact, I have drawn
largely from the teachings of Drunvalo Malchizadeck and
the research of Zechariah Sitchin.
Please take your time to read through this information (there's a lot) and hopefully
you will be a little bit wiser, bewildered, amazed, fulfilled, enlightened, or even
cynical at the end of it. Best of Luck!
Congratulations! you are the enlightenment seeker since 28
November 1997! |