That's my name in Greek.  I think.  I found it using a webpage that listed Greek movies; there was one called "Korinna's Something-or-Other," and this is how they spelled "Korinna" in the Greek original.  It's amazing what Google can do.

My parents misspelled my name occasionally for a few months when I was born.  Looking through my baby books, I see a few variations.  The first time I noticed that, I flew into a panic and ran for my birth certificate to make sure I was spelling it right.  Of course, I also discovered when I was about six that I'd been spelling my middle name wrong.  It was shattering at the time. 

Which reminds me of the time one of my elementary school's teaching assistants must have thought I was insane or foreign... we were writing stories, and I asked how one spelled "yittle."  "Yittle?" she asked, clearly puzzled.  "Yes,
yittle," I said.  After a few seconds of this, we went to recess or something, so it wasn't really settled.

When my mom picked me up, I told her that the assistant hadn't known how to spell "yittle."  She started laughing, and when we got in the car, she told me that the word was actually "little" but I'd been so cute saying "yittle" that they'd never told me.  I was almost six. 

If you're still reading this, you're a brave, brave soul.