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Welcome to Ascension's Astronomy Resources

[2008-03-06] The cycle of the seasons has come and gone many times since I last took the time to leave any comments. I've neglected this site for several years. However, it was originally designed to require very little maintenance, and still provide optimum functionality. I hope these tools have served well over this time. I will be going through and touching up what needs attention (dead links, etc), and hopefully bring some new material as I am able. Thanks to all who have left comments, and continue to use the site.

FUNCTIONALITY NOTE: While I work on updating this site (chiefly removing the frames), there will be some issues with link/menu targeting. Most will cause new pages to open in a new window. I will get this corrected as quickly as possible.

If you would like to contact me, either visit the link in the menu above, or you can email me here


Astronomy Websites
Florida Stargazer Forum
Astronomy Daily
The Belmont Society
International Astronomical Union
International Dark Sky Association
Radio Sky
Sky and Telescope


Astronomy Software
Cartes du Ciel Astronomy Software
Distant Suns


Astronomy Equipment Sources
Austin Astronomy
Hands on Optics (Highly Recommended)
Orion Telescopes


Discussion Groups Forums external groups (to post photos,files,etc.)
Texas Amateur Astronomy

The Galaxy's Best

This site last updated [2008-03-06 ]
