The Crash
2000, 13 March, Monday (Hey peeps! Note the date!)
Stock market (DJIA) crashes today.
NOTE: 1. (000206) I was printing out a chart of the Dow (DJIA) last Thursday and I suddenly realized something. The Dow topped out on Friday, 14Jan00, then when the market reopened on Tuesday (Monday the 17th was a holiday) it immediately started falling. As of this date I do not know for sure whether or if this top is meaningful, but when you consider that God seems to have a special thing for the 17th of January every year, it is QUITE possible that this is the long awaited all time high.
FOOTNOTE: 1. (000326) Well, as you know, the Dow did NOT crash on this day. BUT, it DID hit a major bottom on this EXACT day, and since has been sky-rocketing!!!! Does this mean anything??? Don't know, but I think that it is VERY significant that I was able to pick the EXACT bottom weeks in advance. If it had crashed on this day, it would STILL have bottomed out, as any student of crashes knows that USUALLY the day of a major crash is ALSO the day of the LOWEST lows for several weeks.
FOOTNOTE: 2. (010728) It is over a year since the last footnote and the DJIA still has NOT exceeded the high attained on the 14th of January, 2000. Now I believe that we have seen the all time high, NEVER to be broken. The DJIA is now destined to eventually drop to somewhere in the 400 area.
FOOTNOTE: 3. (010922) Anyone that is not comatose knows that the financial markets are experiencing MAJOR problems. In the aftermath of the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York on 11Sep01 (911), the markets have been in a free fall. As of yesterday the DJIA momentarily dropped below the magic 8100 level. I expected it to drop there months ago, but now it has finally arrived. Looking at the charts, we have been in a MAJOR downtrend for MONTHS with no end in sight. The destruction of the Towers only reconfirms the downtrend and reinforces its severity.
So what will happen next in the financial markets? Very wild up and down gyrations for the next few weeks as the fallout from New York is absorbed into the markets. I personally expect the DJIA to continue slipping until Friday 12Oct01, or possibly Monday 15Oct01. At that time I expect it to TEMPORARILY bottom out at about 4900! With the airlines, the travel industry, and their supporting industries laying of TENS of THOUSANDS of employees, this will propel the world economies into a MAJOR tailspin. Look for multiple THOUSANDS of bancruptcies throughout the business world!