Safety Page

  Protect yourself from internet scams, fraud, weirdos, etc.

    ALWAYS use made-up screen names and made-up email addresses. NEVER use your REAL name in them.
    NEVER give out any TRUE personal information unless recipient is WELL-KNOWN first. This includes phone, age, address, parental information, etc.
    NEVER give out any personal information in a public chat room. ALWAYS PM (Private Mail) it.
    ALWAYS be suspicious of EVERYONE on the internet (Including me).
    NEVER go anywhere on internet that makes you uncomfortable, and if you find yourself in an uncomfortable place, leave IMMEDIATELY.
    NEVER agree to meet ANYONE face-to-face until they are WELL-KNOWN to you. ALWAYS take several friends with you for the first several times you do meet face-to-face, and ALWAYS meet in a PUBLIC place. NEVER MEET STRANGERS IN PRIVATE.
    NEVER accept downloads from anyone unless the sender is WELL-KNOWN first AND you have verified that the sender REALLY sent the download to you.
    NEVER open email attachments from anyone unless the sender is WELL-KNOWN first AND you have verified that the sender REALLY sent the email attachment to you.

ENJOY your travels on the internet.