- Dragonflies have two sets of wings that beat 40 times per second. They can fly forwards, backwards, up, and down. Not only that, but they can make a 180 degree turn within ONLY two wing beats!!!
- Dragonflies have the best eyesight of any insect. With their twin eyes of 30,000 facets, they can see for a whopping 100 feet!!! And amazingly, their range of vision spans an incredible 350 degrees, almost a complete circle. That explains why it is almost impossible to catch them.
- Dragonflies lay their eggs in water. Once hatched the dragonfly nymphs live up to five years underwater before becoming adult dragonflies. On becoming flying adults, they only live about a month longer, just long enough to mate and lay eggs for the next generation.
- For more information on these fascinating creatures, visit this Dragonfly link.