
The WBS home page

Hey peeps! If you visit this page would you PLEASE sign my GUEST BOOK? It would be VERY nice to know if you visit and what your thoughts are. THANK YOU!!!! *S*

NOTE: Some browsers and computers do not show these pages properly. If you think you are missing links, slide your cursor over where you think they are, and watch the bottom of your screen. If it shows an addy, but there is nothing visible on your screen, you have found a 'missing link' which you can follow somewhere else. Sorry, I will correct this as soon as I find the problem.

And while we are at it, if you have any suggestions on how to improve this page, or any cool sites to link to, I would also be very interested in learning about them.

Please come back OFTEN. I have over a hundred pages on the drawing board, partly finished, or completely done waiting for the right link to pop in my head. YOU WILL NEVER BE BORED!!!

NOTE: (010407) As of today I have in excess of 200 pages in this website, with another 100 or so on the drawing board, many of which will be added in the coming months. Have fun trying to find them all! *lol*

The best place to start anything is at the beginning, so that is where we will start!

Animals are fun to be around and fun to play with, as all of you know. One fun game is wagging the dog! I don't know if they like to be wagged - they have never told me! Another fun thing to do is to ride the flying horses! What I haven't yet figured out is how they can be fly without wings or pilots, but fly they do!

Wheeeeeee!!!! It sure is fun riding this rollercoaster!

Of course, when I am bored, I pop in my superjet and blast past the mountains on the Big Island heading for Pearl Harbor to re-enact the 57th ( 19 times 3) anniversary of its bombing by the Japanese on 7 Dec 1941!

Stepping out of my jet, I suddenly recall that I forgot to visit the past and future, so I step into my time machine and go hopping around in time! What an experience that is!

Today, though, 28 Aug 98 I just had to see what was really happening elsewhere!

NOTE: This is one of my very first web pages. Originally, it, along with dozens of others, was on the original WBS chat and home page site. WBS was the absolute BEST chat site ever on the net (sigh). It had dozens of chat rooms and there were ALWAYS tens of THOUSANDS of chatters on it at any given time! Then Disney bought out WBS and DESTROYED the chat rooms over a three year period. Finally, in March of 2001, due to FINANCIAL problems at Disney (Is Disney nearing bancruptcy???), this site was permanently shut down.

With only ONE day of warning Disney shut the WBS home page site down. Fortunately Dizzy Disney forgot to shut one back door into the site for two weeks, so I was able to find and copy all of my pages to a disk. Most peeps with home pages on WBS probably lost ALL of their hard work with such short notice from Disney. I wonder if maybe those people have grounds for a lawsuit, since WBS promised free home pages FOREVER!

Now I am in the process of going through all of my WBS pages, reformatting them, and listing them on other web sites. Needless to say, with dozens of pages to reformat, update, and move, it is going to take a while to get it all done, probably months. In the meantime, many of the links will not work, so if you click on one and it does not work, please be patient. Bookmark that page and come back again and again until I finally get the link working. Sorry for the inconvenience, but if Disney had given more warning, I could have started months ago, and by the time Disney shut down the home page site, my pages would have all been done with no broken links in the process.

So, where is the best chat site today (7 April 2001)? That depends upon how you define 'chat site.' If you define it as number of chatters chatting at one time, I do not have the foggiest idea - so far as I know, there are NO chat sites anywhere with even ONE thousand chatters on at one time - WBS sometimes had as many as THIRTY THOUSAND at one time! You could ALWAYS find someone on WBS to chat with that had the same interests as you. I have tried many other sites, like yahoo, excite, GCN, etc, but they simply do NOT cut the mustard in my view. In general, it seems that most chat sites are javascript sites, and it seems that I do not like the way they operate.

The ONLY HTML site I know of is Big Bob's which is run by two former WBS chatters. It is somewhat similar to the old WBS, though due to the lack of infrastructure (two people can only do so much), definitely a far cry from the WONDERFUL WBS site. Probably in excess of 90% of the chatters on Big Bob's are refugees from WBS, but even then there are seldom more than a few hundred chatters on Big Bob's at any given time. As a result, many times it is hard to find chatters with the same interests as you. Even the popular chat rooms are empty at times and THAT NEVER happened on WBS!!! NOTE: