
Hey peeps! If you visit this page would you PLEASE sign my GUEST BOOK? It would be VERY nice to know if you visit and what your thoughts are. THANK YOU!!!! *S*

Please come back OFTEN. I have several hundred pages in my head, on the drawing board, partly finished, or completely done waiting for the right link to pop in my head. YOU WILL NEVER BE BORED!!! If you want to take a tour of most of the webpages that I have so far put on the net, just click on the "Forbidden Territory" button below to go to my master menu. Then just click the links to the various pages and see what surprises pop up! If you have any fun or unusual links that you think I should have in my pages, let me know and I will consider putting them there, too! In the meantime, have fun exploring!

Hi! I'm MmerlinN! Or at least that is what my friend Frosty calls me. Why, I do not know, but that is the way it is. No matter who you are or where you are, E-MAIL ME. I will try to answer all mail, but as some of you know, that is sometimes impossible when you get lots of it. The roadmap to my email address is via "Forbidden Territory."

If you are here, it is because you are wondering who this crazy 'mmerlinn' character is. Well, here is all there is to know. I live in the state of Confusion. I am from here, there, and everywhere.

As for whether I am a male, female, eunuch, Venusian, Martian, or whatever, that is for you to discover, although some not-so-common common sense should give you a fairly reliable hint.

Depending upon your point of view, I am somewhere between young and ancient, and again that not-so-common common sense should be of some help.

This is the internet, which means that ANYBODY can CLAIM to be ANYTHING that they want. Therefore, regardless of what I say, I could actually be something else. So, why bother saying anything at all? In the end, since we will never meet, none of what I could tell you about myself, right or wrong, makes one whit of difference! But, no matter how hard I try, it is impossible not to leave clues here and there in my posts that will eventually tell you EVERYTHING there is to know about me. My vocabulary will give me a way. So, will the idiomatic expressions that I use. And so will just about anything else. So put your brain in gear and you will eventually be able to figure it ALL out without ANY overt help from me. And if you can figure it out without any help from me you will KNOW that it is the truth!!!! HAPPY SLEUTHING! *S* Have fun! *S*!

And just to be fair, I seldom, if ever, ask personal information from anyone on the net. I figure that if you are old enough and intelligent enough to carry on a sensible chat, age, sex, location, etc. don't make one bit of difference. And if YOU volunteer such information, please DON'T expect me to respond in kind. I may or may not volunteer to give it to you. Note that the key word here is "VOLUNTEER."