Link Heaven

The purpose of this page is to list "Cool" links. If you know of any links that would be appropriate for this page, please send an email with the link. Thank you.

Since it is impossible to monitor the status of these links, an email would be appreciated if any of them are incorrect. Thanks!

Cool links to neat pages on the net

Foresight Exchange   Make a claim, then see how well it trades! This is the place to float all kinds of ideas, and trade them with others! Like "Will the Republicans win in 2004?", or "Will crude oil trade below $25/bbl by the end of 2001?" or "Cars will fly by 2010!!!" If the result is unknown now but can be proven true or false at sometime in the FUTURE, this is the market for it!
100 Top Web Sites NOTE: This site has dozens of catagories listing the top 100 Web Sites in that catagory.
Free website listings NOTE: Submit your site to over 25 search engines for FREE!!!