Link Heaven

The purpose of this page is to list prophecy links grouped by subject. If you know of any links that would be appropriate for this page, please send an email with the link. Thank you.

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General Prophecy

Prophecy Spotlight  NOTE: Very little of substance here. But interesting reading nonetheless.

666, The Number of the Beast

666  NOTE: Very short and correct explanation of 666.

The Abomination of Desolation

The Abomination of Desolation  NOTE: Author starts off good, but by end of treatise gets way off track.

The Antichrist

The Prophecies of St. Malachay   NOTE: Prophecies about all Popes from 1143 until end of Papacy. Very interesting. According to this site, there will be two more Popes after Pope John Paul II, but careful reading of St. Malachay indicates that 'Peter the Roman' and 'The glory of the Olive' may be one and the same.

The book of Daniel

Sir Isaac Newton's Interpretation  NOTE: Very interesting, and probably very close to the truth.
Daniel 2:31-45  NOTE: Some speculation.
Daniel 8  NOTE: Tries to apply Daniel 8 to modern nations. After studying that passage, I fail to see how the author can be correct.

The book of Ezekiel

Ezekiel 37:15-28  NOTE: Very interesting insight into the sticks prophecy of Ezekial 37, with an explanation that makes sense.

The book of Ezra

Ezra 7:11-26  NOTE: : Comments on the decree from King Artaxerses to Ezra to restore Jerusalem.

The book of Matthew

Matthew 24  NOTE: Author brings up some very interesting and valid points about the Sermon on the Mount. His main thrust is to prove that the 'rapture' is not pre-trib, but sometime during the tribulation of Revelation. The main truth presented here is that this Sermon presents a parallel timeline to Revelation of end time events.


Numerology  NOTE: Author 'prophesied' many things to happen, but they have not happened when he claimed they would. Bible says to steer clear of such false prophets and not believe them. It is quite interesting how far one can get off track, so go have a looksee.

  NOTE: Since there is no 'rapture' noted anywhere in the Bible, it would be very wise for you to be very skeptical of these sites.

The Case for the Pre Wrath Rapture  NOTE: A VERY LONG and thoughtful examination of all aspects of the rapture question. Well worth reading. Makes many many valid points but does miss the mark in places.
The Rapture  NOTE: Articles about all aspects of 'Rapture'.
Search for Rapture  NOTE: Authors main thrust is to prove that the 'rapture' is not pre-trib, but sometime during the tribulation of Revelation. I just wonder if the address of 'crapture' is actually more accurate.

The Book of Revelation

The Nicolaitans  NOTE: Interesting thoughts on the Nicolaitans. This treatise is almost total speculation.
The Nicolaitans explained  NOTE: Who were the Nicolaitans and why did Jesus hate their deeds and doctrines?
Reveleation 13  NOTE: Author attempts to equate the USA with the second Beast of verse 11. Verse 18 proves that this is impossible.
Reveleation 17  NOTE: Author attempts to equate the USA with one of the kings of verse 10. Even stretching the imagination to the fullest, this is impossible. However, there is some good information on this page, you just have to be able to sift the tares from the wheat.

The Books of Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 5:21  NOTE: A commandment to Christians everywhere.

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