Jesus, the King of Kings, returns to rule the Earth!

Dateline Jerusalem, 12/13 Sep 2007: (Hey, peeps, note the date!)

The 'impossible' is finally reality! Today Jesus returned to the Earth in a flash of glory seen around the world! When His feet hit the Mount of Olives, the mount split in two, just like Zechariah 14:4 prophesied. The valley formed by the split also runs east and west as verse 8 prophesied! Two rivers immediately started running from it, one to the west to the Mediterranean Sea and the other to the east to the Dead Sea!

Now that the King is back, all of our world's evils will be cured. One of the first things He is slated to do is to bind Satan (Rev. 20:1-3) for the duration of the long awaited Millenium, a thousand years!

NOTE: There are some rumors that Jesus spent time in both Devonshire (England) and Nepal. Also that Jesus built a house for Mary (His mother) in Devonshire and that she lived out her days there. Does anyone have any information that would prove these rumors either correct or incorrect???