The Dow Rollercoaster
This rollercoaster that we are on is sure getting wild! Sooner or later it must totally fall apart and when that happens, a lot of people will be caught by surprise! Will you???
Below is a short history of the DOW and projections into the future.
NOTE:   For the record, a few years ago when the DOW went above the 5000 mark and stayed there, I began telling others that the next top for the DOW would be 8100 in August of 1997. I was almost right. It topped out at 8299 in August 1997, close enough to my predicted time and predicted numbers to be considered correct by almost any standard. Like did anyone else even come close to predicting BOTH the time frame as well as the price? Not to my knowledge!
In the Spring of 1997, while the DOW was still in the low 7000's I started telling everybody who would listen (including brokers) that the DOW would definitely crash bigtime on Monday, 27 Oct 1997!!! IT HAPPENED EXACTLY ON SCHEDULE!!! And I have several witnesses to the fact that I made these predictions MONTHS in ADVANCE!!!
Now what? It is January 1998 and I am again sticking my neck out and making more predictions of both time and numbers for 1999. Look at the respective dates below to see what they are!
- 1929, 3 September, Tuesday
- U.S. Stock market (DJIA) sets a new all time high of 381.17.
- 1929, 29 October, Tuesday
- U.S. stock market (DJIA) crashes, closing at 230.07, 39.64% down from its high on 3 September 1929, ultimately setting the world up for World War II.
- 1987, 25 August, Tuesday
- U.S. Stock market (DJIA) sets a new all time high of 2722.42.
- 1987, 19 October, Monday
- U.S. stock market (DJIA) crashes, closing at 1738.34, 36.13% down from its high on 25 August 1987.
- 1997, 27 October, Monday
- As predicted, stock markets around the world crash on this day. The U.S. market dropped about 500 points for the day, but recovered most of it the next day.
- 1999, 10 August, Tuesday
- Stock market (DJIA) makes an all-time high of about 15246.80, a record never to be broken, about 40 times the record high of 3 Sep 1929.
NOTE:   (990820) As you may know, this projection did not happen. Instead, a major low was made. Is this significant? I don't know, but it could be an inverse top. So?? Well, it could mean that we will see more highs in the near future and then a more vicious drop. Only time will tell.
- 1999, 5 October, Tuesday
- Stock market (DJIA) crashes to about 9200, about 39% down from the high in August 1999, ultimately setting the world up for World War III. This is exactly 70 (7 times 10) years after the crash of 1929.
NOTE:   (991020) As you may know, this projection did not happen either. Of course, if the last one failed, this one should also logically fail, as this projection was based upon the assumption that the last would happen, and it did not.
FOOTNOTES: 1.  (010505) The DOW in the last several months has been very wild. From its high of about 12000 in January 2000, it has dropped as low as the high 9000s. In the same period, the S&P index has varied between about 1600 and 900 and the NASDAQ between about 5000 and 1800. From EVERY indicator that I can see at this time, the stock market is on its way to OBLIVION. So far, many of the dumps have been MUCH MUCH more VICIOUS than the WORST dumps in 1929 and after. And there is absolutely NO sign of this bloodbath being anywhere near the end. ALL signs point toward this being a TINY TINY foretaste of what is coming down the pike. If so, ANYONE who OWNS stock will lose EVERYTHING that they have. ONLY those with the foresight to see the REAL world and who can IGNORE the rose-colored GUESSES of the government, Wall Street, etc. will survive this bloodbath.
For more predictions of what is coming, visit my time line of world events.
2.  (030201) This blood bath shows no signs of letting up. Currently the Dow is flirting with 8000, the S&P with 850, and the NASDAQ with 1300. Looking at a long-term chart, these indices have be rollercoastering their way steadily DOWNWARDS ever since January 2000 with no bottom in sight. The most negative recent sign that the stock market is going nowhere is the fact that there was NO so-called 'Santa Clause' rally in the markets last year. That is RARE and VERY negative for the near-term future.