Quake Day
17 January
This is a very interesting day. For some reason, God has chosen this day as a day for momentous happenings! Does anyone know why? If so, please email me.
COMMENTS: 1. (981127) Looking back at the history of this date, it seems to be a date for all kinds of earthquakes, whether they be ground shakers, religious shakers, political shakers, financial shakers, or any other kind of shaker! And there is no reason to believe that these shakings won't continue for years into the future!
2. (000927) As best that I can tell, God is using the 24-hour period (Jerusalem time) starting about dark on the evening of the 16th and continuing until the same time on the 17th for this momentous day. Since many events are close to impossible to pinpoint to an exact time, this time period could be off a few hours one way or the other. Because of difficulties in counting time using our calendar and our way of counting time versus how God reckons time, it is also possible that this quake day could be from the evening of the 15th through the 16th instead. With indepth research, which I am unable to do, it should be possible to pinpoint the exact time period in question.