to the
End of Time

Thru 400 AD   401 AD-1899 AD
1900 AD-1950 AD   1951 AD-1975 AD
1976 AD-1985 AD   1986 AD-2003 AD
2004 AD-2008 AD   2009 AD and later

NOTE:   (050416) Recent events have caused me to rethink this timeline. Maybe this time I will have it correct. It appears that most of the dates after 2003 in the original timeline were about 1 year too early. So, I will revise the old timeline and watch to see if it is correct this time.

NOTE:   (040306) Well, folks, unless there are a lot of invisible events taking place that I do not know of, this timeline is kaput! At this late date, seeing as how many of these recent events do not to appear to have occurred, I see NO WAY that the rest of this time line can be valid. In other words, unless some sort of MIRACLE happens in the next 30 days, this, too, can be relegated to the trash heap of history.

So, what happens now? First, I will leave this up for all to see. Second, I will review it in its entirety to see if there is anything obvious that I missed when I researched it, and, if so, I will update it accordingly. And, third, I will reexamine all of the date math to see if I calculated dates correctly, and, if not, redo the whole date structure. Finally, failing in all of the above, I will just watch and wait till I can again fit everything together, and hopefully be right this time. LOL.

NOTE:   The accuracy of these elapsed times is dependent upon the accuracy of the time function in YOUR computer. If your computer has the wrong time, these times will be wrong. In addition, these elapsed times could be off as much as 24 hours depending upon your physical location upon the Earth. Also note that, although the dates themselves are correct, the date-math employed in the javascript language is quirky and sometimes produces the wrong elapsed times, meaning that these elapsed times could be off by an additional 24 hours. Although I am aware of the problem, I am ignorant of any way to correct it.

NOTE:   (010421) Every effort has been expended to ensure the accuracy of these times. However, as I am only human, and as such am unable to see into the future, it is quite possible that I may be in error. If so, whip me with a wet noodle on 3 April 2004!!!

I have examined all possible dates from now until 2100 to determine a basis for these calculations. Of all of the possibilities, this is the ONLY scenario between now and 2100 that fits ALL of the conditions that I have found in the Bible, supplemented by historical facts. Since I first did this examination in 1998, I have found many other time lines and dates in the Bible that EXACTLY fit my original hypothesis. As long as new findings from the Bible CONCUR with this, I will continue to believe that this is an ACCURATE and RELIABLE scenario of the end time countdown.

If you know of ANYTHING in the Bible or in history that may contradict this scenario, PLEASE email me your thoughts on it along with any PROOF that you have. After I PROVE that you are correct, I will attempt to fit your facts into this scenario. Failing that, I will look for another more accurate scenario.

My personal belief is, after over 40 years of studying this subject, and watching history unfold, that this scenario is TOTALLY accurate. I have found NOTHING else that has EVER come close to fitting EVERY aspect of the Bible and history. The ONLY possible problem I have found with this hypothesis is that I was only able to check dates through 2100, and because of that, I do NOT know if there are any other possible dates after 2100 that would provide an accurate basis for this hypothesis.