Ancient Irish Proverb

There is an ancient, like around a 1000 year-old, proverb, that says that the next Pope is the LAST Pope. Not only that, but the proverb says that he will call himself 'Peter' after the Apostle Peter.

However, others think that he will call himself 'Sixtus VI'. The last Pope Sixtus was Pope Sixtus V, so it is reasonable that he could call himself Sixtus VI. For the record, 'Sixtus VI' means '66'.

My guess is that he could call himself both 'Peter' and 'Sixtus VI'. We will see.

COMMENT: #1 (981127) Please note that I said 'guess' as to the name of the next pope. I do NOT know, and will not know until the new pope announces which name(s) he has decided upon.

NOTE: #1 (981127) I found out about this ancient proverb in October of 1978, on the day that the current pope was elected. But I have lost the reference to it. Can anybody help me find it so that I can quote it properly, instead of from memory? Email me if you can help. Thanx. Mmerlinn.