Dateline Washington, DC
1999, 17 January, Sunday (Hey, peeps, note the date!)

William (Bill) Clinton is no longer President of the U.S.A. Today the now ex-President Clinton left the Presidency because of alledged improprieties while in office. After months of testimony by a multitude of witnesses, President Clinton is now gone. Mr. Clinton, beginning on 17 January 1998, was the first and only sitting President to testify as a defendant. Today, exactly one year later, he is no longer in office.

COMMENTS: 1. (981127) Please note that I do NOT specify HOW President Clinton will leave office. I do NOT know! In fact, I do NOT know for sure that he will leave on this date, or whether he will leave at all! But, considering how precise God is with the timing of events, this is the MOST logical date for President Clinton's exit!

2. (981217) On 17 Aug 1998 President Clinton went on nationwide TV and admitted to the American people that he was guilty. But he did NOT repent. Given the same opportunities, he would do the same thing AGAIN! This date was exactly 7 months after his grand jury appearance on 17 Jan 1998.

3. (981217) Today, 17 Dec 1998, Congress is scheduled to vote on impeaching Clinton. In one more month Clinton should be gone. Then what? Gore! Is he just like Clinton? Don't know, but 'birds of a feather flock together' so it would not surprise me at all. Regardless, with Gore as President, things are sure to get even WORSE. How much worse? Don't know. We will have to wait and see!

4. (990108) Note that 17 Dec 1998 ends the 4th month after 17 Aug 1998, and starts the 5th month.

FOOTNOTES: 1. (990122) As you all know by now, Clinton did not leave the Presidency on 17 January 1999. But, sooner or later he will leave, and the further along the Congressional inquery gets, the sooner it seems to be. Time will tell.

2. (990215) Well, it's all over for now. Clinton's impeachment has been resolved in his favor. Is this the end of it? Doubt it. Clinton has some very interesting friends and this list may get longer in the future.

3. (001007) Clinton's time is almost over. No matter what, he will be replaced not later than 20 January 2001. We don't know yet who that replacement will be, but the elections are less than a month away. What would be really spooky is if Clinton somehow left on 17 Jan 2001 just three days before his successor is scheduled to take over. That would give us a President Gore for three days. If Gore is not elected, then whoever is elected would take over from him on 20 Jan 2001. Will this happen??? Doubt it, but IF IT DOES, then I would be a FIRM BELIEVER IN BELIEVING THAT GOD HAS SOME SPECIAL PURPOSE FOR THE 17TH OF JANUARY!!!