The countdown continues ...

2001, 16/17 Jan, Tuesday/Wednesday (Hey peeps! Note the date!)

Today is the first anniversary of the countdown to Armageddon. During the last year many things have happened underscoring this countdown.

First and foremost, the finacial markets have been in a long downhill slide for the last year, with NO END IN SIGHT!!! Many companies, most notably Montgomery Wards, a 128-year-old business, have closed their doors forever. And this is just the TIP of the iceberg! There are dozens and dozens of other companies teetering on the brink of bancruptcy. Over the next few months there will be many more bedrock companies shutting down FOREVER. It is now TOO LATE to stop this from happening! NOTHING that the government can do will stop these closures! And surely the government will try, but whatever they do is SURE to make things even WORSE for the economy as well as the financial markets. Every indicator that I see points to a COMPLETE destruction of the financial markets and as a result the economy. So how bad can it get? It appears that the financial markets will NOT hit bottom UNTIL they have lost 96% (YES, YOU DID READ THAT RIGHT) of their value. How much is that? How about the Dow at 450 (YES!), the Nasdaq at 200 (YES!), and the S&P 500 at 65 (YES!)??? If indeed it gets that bad, WHO will still have a JOB??? Not many, that is for sure! So, HOW will you eat??? Go read Leviticus 26:14-46 and note especially verse 29. THAT is where this economy is heading!

Second, look at our government - TOTALLY corrupt to the core. And this corruption is supported by the public - Just look at Clinton's popularity polls! What does that say for our society? TOTALLY CORRUPT! Corrupt societies NEVER survive! God HATES corruption, and ALWAYS punishes corrupt societies with OBLIVION! Look at the recent debacle we call Election 2000 - Corruption on ALL sides! As a result the U.S. now has one of the WEAKEST and MOST IMPOTENT governments it has EVER had! The question now is, 'Which rinky-dink country is going to topple the U.S.?' Look for U.S. foreign policy to be in TOTAL shambles. Watch pipsqueek countries take advantage of the U.S. at every opportunity. The U.S. is now POWERLESS internationally and soon will be powerless domestically. The result is everyone doing what is 'right in his OWN eyes' regardless of its effect on others. Got your gun handy? You are going to NEED it unless GOD is protecting you. Is God protecting you? Not unless you are OBEYING Him and His Word, the Bible. Time to wipe the dust off of that Book and see what it REALLY says. It is NOT what you have been led to believe! And if you don't OBEY as God shows you in His Word, even your gun will NOT help you!!!

Third, look at Clinton in particular. Ever since he has been the President, God has put His stamp of DISAPPROVAL on him! Every year on 16/17 January, something BAD has happened to Clinton, either directly or indirectly. In a few days, this date will be here AGAIN. And this is the LAST time that Clinton will be in office on this date. So, WHAT DOES GOD HAVE IN MIND THIS TIME???? Does ANYONE have any idea??? I sure don't, but I do believe that God will do something, probably something SPECTACULAR! Just a few more hours to wait, then we will know what, if anything, God is going to do.

Fourth, Europe has been busy this last year. Probably the most bone-chilling development became public knowledge in early December. Europe now has a Rapid Reactionary Force! What is that? A homegrown MILITARY force. That development has to be sending spears of TERROR into the hearts of many of the nations of Europe. Now Europe has the ABILITY to fight a LIGHTNING war anywhere in Europe or the Mid-East or even the world for that matter! What is a LIGHTNING war? In the German language it is 'BLITZkrieg', the SAME kind of war Hitler was adept at! Europe NO LONGER NEEDS NATO OR THE U.S. for protection! The U.S. will soon be THROWN OUT OF EUROPE! Or to save face, the U.S. may 'DECIDE' to withdraw for 'other' reasons (blackmail?). Now that Europe has a military force, on the surface for defensive purposes, how long before this force is used OFFENSIVELY? NOT long if history is any guide. The first time Iraq, Iran, etc decide to shut off oil to Europe, watch Europe use the Rapid Reactionary Force offensively in 'defense' of their 'right' to Middle East oil. In other words, the European Bully is back!! If you do anything Europe doesn't like, you WILL suffer the consquences!

Finally, the 'peace' in Israel was suddenly broken in September (as was prophesied), EXACTLY 7 years after the peace accord was signed by Israel and the PLO. Look for more and more fighting in Israel, ultimately resulting in Jerusalem again becoming a DIVIDED city. There will be NO more peace for Israel for the foreseeable future. In fact you can expect Israel to soon approach Europe for protection, as the U.S. no longer has the capability and/or the will to do so. Will a resident European force be the solution to Mid-East fighting? Not a chance! According to the Bible, Israel will invite the Europeans in, who then will double-cross Israel. Watch as this plays out.

This is just some of the things that happened in the first year of the countdown. There are actually too many more to list. However, any cursory reading of the news, with a little prophetic insight, will yield many more items of interest. But, these are all history. What about tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, etc?

How about 'today?' Since this is a very special day for God, for some unknown reason, I expect several major shakeups (earthquakes? etc) somewhere in the world. A political earthquake, having to do with Clinton, would be one of my prime candidates. He has had many on this day already, so I see no reason for God to forget him today. How about a military earthquake? Like it is now 40 days since the Rapid Reactionary Force of Europe was put together. Will their first military action start today? Don't know yet. A religious earthquake? Like maybe the Pope doing something major that will rock the world. Again we will have to wait. Maybe an earthshaking earthquake somewhere? And what about some sort of a financial earthquake? Could there be something in the works that will shake up the financial markets? Just for the record, the Dow hit its all time high on the Friday (14 Jan 00) before 16/17 January 2000, which was a weekend holiday, and has NOT been that high since.

As stated before, these are some of the things to look for over the next several years. COMMENTS: 1. (010114) The Bible says that ONLY those who OBEY will have UNDERSTANDING. So, if you do NOT understand what is happening, YOU ARE NOT OBEYING GOD AND ARE NOT OBEYING THE BIBLE. If you want understanding, you MUST study your Bible and you MUST obey what you read. If you do, God PROMISES to give you UNDERSTANDING.

FOOTNOTES: 1. (010208) So, what major event happened on this date? The major event that has dominated the news for the last several weeks has been the power shortage in California. On the 16th of January California ran out of power!!! This forced the power companies to institute rolling blackouts across northern and central California. People WORLDWIDE were directly affected by this lack of power. California has many many internet companies based there, most notably eBay, the auction company. MANY of the internet connections in California were SHUT DOWN for lack of power! This especially affected public libraries thousands of miles away, since many libraries outside of California are powered by internet service providers whose internet routers are located within the state of California. Undoubtedly, it also affected any business anywhere in the world which depends upon an uninterrupted supply of information from internet providers in California.

Now what CAUSED this shortage of power? The buzz everywhere seems to be the blaming of power deregulation in California. But is that true? If true, then WHY did ONLY northern and central California have rolling blackouts? Why didn't Los Angeles and San Diego also run out of power? And what about the far northwestern (Del Norte county) and northeastern (Susanville) corners of California? Why didn't they run out, too? If deregulation were to blame, ALL of California would have had power shortages. But, that did NOT happen, so deregulation can NOT be the cause! The cause has to be SOMETHING else, possibly made worse by deregulation.

There are two axioms that apply here in one way or another. The first is that price FLOORS generate INSTANT surpluses. The second is like unto it in that price CAPS generate INSTANT shortages. I do NOT know what caused the shortage of electricity, but I can GUARANTEE that SOMEWHERE in SOME form, that there is a price CAP involved! For example, environmental laws in California could be making the building of new generating plants in Californis TOO EXPENSIVE to build, relative to what the REGULATED power could be sold for, in effect creating a shortage. In other words, the GOVERNMENT MANDATED price LID on power sales could be LESS than the cost of producing the power. San Diego did NOT have a price LID and did NOT run out of power, although the cost involved was next to unbearable. Interestingly, ONLY those areas of California with a California government mandated price CAP ran out of power!!!! Ultimately, a price CAP is the ONLY thing that can cause a shortage of goods and services.

Will this affect the economy? MOST CERTAINLY! Many thousands and thousands of businesses in California had to shut down for hours or days because of no power. NO POWER = NO SALES = NO PROFITS = NO JOBS. In a few months, we will see how bad this has hurt businesses in California, and around the U.S. I expect the SEC quarterly reports to show a DISMAL first quarter for businesses in California, and ripple down to businesses nationwide by the end of the second quarter. That is MORE bad news for an economy already being hit almost daily by layoffs, company closings, bancruptcies, etc.

What is next? It looks like more of the SAME - power outages throughout the West. On 31 Jan 2001, the USDA published a map entitled 'Seasonal precipitation, October-December 2000.' This map covered California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, and Utah. It shows the PERCENTAGE of NORMAL precipitation ranging from BELOW 70% to over 130% for this region. 100% of California was BELOW 70% of NORMAL for this time period! - And much of the state was BELOW 50%! Oregon and Nevada also showed areas below 70%, PRIMARILY bordering California. ALL of the states on the map EXCEPT California show the whole gamut of precipitation from below 70% to over 130% of normal. In the words of a former Governor of California, 'This is like a CURSE from GOD!' And, indeed, California HAS been CURSED by GOD!!! Ever since since Jan 17, 1986, California has had one disaster after another - Earthquakes, droughts, firestorms, etc, and now power shortages. So, WHAT will be NEXT???