Just two more years ...

2002, 16/17 Jan, Wendesday/Thursday (Hey peeps! Note the date!)

So, what will happen today? Don't know yet, but if the past is any indication, there will be some MAJOR QUAKE today. What kind? Only three possibilities come to mind.

First, we could have a major FINANCIAL quake. The stock market has been rallying ever since shortly after Osama Al-Binch's minions toppled the twin towers. A MAJOR top is due at ANY time, and today is the most likely day for that to happen. Will it? Don't know, but my belief is that today will be the top of the stock market for the rest of the year. The Dow has been flirting with the 10000 level for the last month or so, not seeming to be able to go any higher. My guess is that the Dow (and the S&P and the NASDAQ) will top out today, then head south again, ALL THE WAY BACK TO THEIR SEPTEMBER LOWS, arriving there about 13 March 2002. Then I expect them to rally for several weeks, then plunge again, this time going well BELOW last September's lows.

So, what I will be doing before today is to buy PUTS and sell CALLS on the S&P in anticipation of this fallout. If I owned any stocks (which I don't and won't) I would be selling COVERED CALLS against all of them. If the market through some miracle keeps rising, all that would happen is that I would be selling off my stock at today's prices, leaving my account cash-rich with money from the stock and from the calls. HOWEVER, if the market dumps like I expect, I would STILL own the stock PLUS I would have a tidy sum of cash from the worthless calls! THAT sounds like a WIN-WIN situation to me - I don't even have to know the direction of the market and I STILL COULD MAKE MONEY!

Second, we could have a MILITARY quake. Something could happen in Afghanistan, or Pakistan, or India, or Saudia Arabia, or some other two-bit country, to devastate our military or cause us to exit the Middle East leaving our stated purpose UNFULFILLED, i.e. something could cause the U.S.A. to turn tail and run (as we did in Korea, and Viet Nam, and Iraq, etc.), or some unexpected military event could crush our military. Only God knows what will happen. What IS known is that the U.S.A. will NOT get the job done. God says that the King of the North (Assyria) will come at the King of the South (Iraq? Iran? or ??) like a WHIRLWIND (Blitzkrieg?) and DESTROY the King of the South. THAT WOULD NOT BE NECESSARY OR POSSIBLE IF THE U.S. DID THE JOB FIRST! So, even if nothing happens militarily today, our days are NUMBERED in the Middle East.

Third, we could have a TERROR quake. Terror has become part and parcel of life in the world today, especially terror against the U.S. Why? God PROMISES TERROR to those who DISOBEY Him. The U.S. has been under the threat of terror ever since the Second Horseman began riding in 1990. That is PROOF that we as a nation have been disobeying God, and NOW it is time to pay the piper, and God says that TERROR is one of the ways this nation will pay. So, could there be ANOTHER terrorist strike today? ABSOLUTELY! But where? In the U.S.? Maybe. I would think, though, that maybe it could be somewhere else in the world, like maybe 'Assyria'?? SOMETHING must cause Assyria (The King of the North) to mount a LIGHTNING war (BLITZKRIEG) against the King of the South. A major terrorist strike against Assyria would cause several things to happen. First the King of the South would be destroyed. Second, the U.S. would lose all respect of the world because WE did not solve the problem, WHEN we could have. Third, it would leave the U.S.A. militarily WEAK in the eyes of the world, leaving us even MORE vulnerable to terrorism and eventual slavery, as PROMISED by God.

Fourth, we could have an ECONOMIC quake. I can't imagine what could possibly happen to cause our economy to stumble even worse than it has, but I am sure that if it is possible, and God has decreed it, that it will happen. On the second thought, I do know one thing that would DEVASTATE this country overnight, AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT WE COULD DO ABOUT IT. Japan holds OVER $300 BILLION (that's $300 MILLION MILLION to you Brits) of OUR Treasury Bills, callable at ANY time. These are short-term debt instruments where the JAPANESE loaned the U.S. Government money to pay its bills. That is roughly, if I remember correctly, around 25% of the TOTAL U.S. debt being financed by Japan. If the Japanese government were to decide to liquidate these bills (FORCE US TO REDEEM THEM, WITH MONEY WE DON'T HAVE), the U.S. would go BANKRUPT, and INFLATION would SKYROCKET, probably something on the order of inflation in Argentina, like 10%-20% per MONTH.

The result of Japan deciding to cash in the notes and collect THEIR money, would FORCE us to bring ALL of our military home from all parts of the world, leaving a MAJOR military vacuum, making it possible for the King of the North to step in. Not only that, but UNEMPLOYMENT in the U.S. would go to at LEAST 25% as businesses, especially government contractors (no money in the government coffers to pay them), went bankrupt by the THOUSANDS or even MILLIONS. This would unleash (NOT cause, as the seeds are already there) all kinds social problems upon the U.S. as police, fire, and emergency services shut down for lack of money. If Japan decided to do that, then both CHINA and GERMANY would be forced to call in their debt also. Between the three of them, they CONTROL something over half of all U.S. government debt. Or to put it in simpler terms, the U.S.A. is ALREADY a SLAVE nation, and can be FORCED to toe the line according to what JAPAN, GERMANY, and CHINA demand.

Is this why all trade restrictions have been lifted with China? Is this why our East Coast is being 'protected' by Germans while our own people are in Afghanistan? Is this why Germany's largest overseas MILITARY base is at Holman AFB in New Mexico, which is also the home base of our Stealth bombers and for our early warning defense systems? Is this why our government is allowing German companies to own stratigic American companies like Chrysler, the largest supplier of TANKS to the U.S. government? Is this why German companies can takeover British & American companies, but it is AGAINST German law for British & American companies to takeover German companies? Is this why Germany can FORCE two AMERICAN companies (Honeywell & GE) to give up merger plans? Is this why RWE (a German company) was allowed to takeover American Water Works, the largest water works in the U.S.? Is this why Deutsche Bank (a German Bank) has been allowed to takeover both Airborne Express and DHL Worldwide Express, giving a foreign company ownership of the LARGEST private airport in the U.S. Aren't all of these (and HUNDREDS more) extremely sensitive SECURITY issues. Like if a foreign country has unrestricted access to an airport in the U.S., and the planes and infrastructure to move war materiels, WHAT WILL STOP THEM FROM USING THIS CAPABILITY AGAINST US IF WE BECOME TOO WEAK ECONOMICALLY to stop them, which economic weakness could also be triggered by the SAME COUNTRIES? What have we allowed (and even demanded) our government do to our country?

Looks to me that we have SQUANDERED our national wealth on IDIOTIC things, have squandered the wealth of other nations on idiotic things, and now we are setting ourselves up for national DEFEAT and SLAVERY at the hands of the SAME countries that we devastated in World War II. Unfortunately there is no way that I can stop it from happening. God says that He will PUNISH the DISOBEDIENT with TERROR and SLAVERY, and since the terror and slavery are already HERE, our nation MUST be disobedient to GOD. So, UNLESS this nation CHANGES and QUITS disobeying God, our nation CANNOT last. GOD SAYS SO!

In conclusion, this day will probably have one or more major quakes of some sort. In less than two weeks we will have some idea of what, if anything, did happen. However, it is quite possible that major things could happen on this day, but due to our lackadasial press we might never know that they happened. Regardless, IT IS TIME FOR THE U.S.A. TO WAKE UP AND FACE REALITY. Our days are NUMBERED by God, and unless we as a nation quit disobeying God, our nation will VERY soon be on the ashheap of history.